Book One Chapter Twenty-Four: The Monster in the Woods

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Zitkala: Okay are you guys ready to go home?
Adahy: Yes we're ready. Come on Gaia let's go home. Gaia....Gaia??
Gaia: Huh....Oh yeah hey mom, dad I have to tell you guy's something.
Zitkala: What's wrong Gaia?
Gaia: So for the past few weeks I've been having this strange dream and it feels so real.
Adahy: Tell us about the dream my child.
Zitkala: Yes you can talk to us about anything.
Gaia: So in the dream I'm in a dark cold forest. It's very foggy and cold but the cold feeling is comforting. I feel safe around this cold. As I walk deeper into the forest I hear someone calling out for me.
Adahy and Zitkala were shocking while listening to their daughter talk about such strange thing's.
Gaia:Just before I woke up today, the voice in my dreams said his name is Erebus.
In shock Adahy looked at his daughter with worry in his eyes.
Gaia: I wanted to ask if you guy's know anything about the name Erebus?
Adahy: No but I figured there must be more kids like you out there.
Gaia: What do you mean kid's like me?
Adahy: As a gift from mother Aiyanna to humanity I assume that there must be more children like you out there.
Gaia: But what does it mean and how does it ties in with me and this strange person in my dreams?
Adahy: Okay relaxing let me tell you the story of our God's.
Using his magic to help tell his tale of Etu and Massaw.
Adahy: In the beginning mother Aiyanna wanted to create a world where all the beings she would later create could live in peace. On the first day she gave up her physical body to create the earth under our feet. On the second day she gave up some her magic to create the elements of earth, air, water and fire. And on the third day, she created all living creatures. The birds in the air, the fish in the water, and the animals in the forest were all created on the same day. With the last of her magical power's she created Etu and Massaw on the fourth day. Etu was created from the love and peace within mother Aiyanna. Massaw was created from the evil within the goddess. Together the brothers were the light and darkness of each and everything.
Gaia: Wow but I don't understand.
Zitkala slaps Gaia in the back of the head and says " Hush child and listen."
Gaia: Ouch that hurt, okay.
Adahy: Keeping the balance between good and evil is the purpose of the brothers. The brothers seem to be equal in everything. Both master the four elements and had master all magic. Etu created the order of God's and the Table of Six. Massaw was once a member of the table of six. The other God's prayed to Etu and showered him with love, but no one trust Massaw. His dark magic was feared by the other's.
Gaia: I thought that the brothers had the same magic?
Adahy: They do. But were as Etu can create thing's with love, Massaw created thing's with hate and these creations would later be known as demons. Fearing this power the other God's convinced Etu that Massaw was to dangerous keep with the God's. So the Table of Six banished Massaw to The Big Sand. That is when the war on the God's started. Massaw now known as the king of the dead, created and army of demons and created four monsters Demon's called Wendigo's.
Gaia: Wendigo's??
Adahy: The wendigo's were made from the demon king's own blood. Chibiabos of fire, Sedna of air, Kudo of water and Nyx of earth are the four Wendigo's from Hell. Each one is said to be made to kill the Table of Six. These demons were only second to Massaw himself. To turn the fight in their favor Etu created us humans and taught us magic. With the humans on their side the God's were able to seal the four demon and Massaw under the big Sand, but when they searched the palace of the dead, they found two empty containment pods. The other Wendigo's were never found and most assumed they had died off year's ago.
Gaia: Do you think I'm one of them?
Adahy: No I don't. You might be the child of a fallen god.
Gaia: How can you be so sure?
Zitkala: Wendigo's aren't born as children, the pod's were said to be the size of adults.
Gaia: So who am I then and who is Erebus?
Adahy: Mitimoye told us when we first found you that you are a bridge that the world will need for it's coming changes. Maybe this boy is the other piece of that bridge.
Gaia: Well that settles it. I have to go find him.
Adahy: Gaia we said no.
Gaia: I at least should get to know why.
Adahy: Cause your not strong enough to go outside the village by yourself. Even with your friends you all aren't ready for that yet.
Zitkala: Gaia my child, there are many demons in this world. Some have horrible and fearsome powers. You saw for yourself what fighting a common serpent is like.
Adahy: Your mother is right.
Gaia: But....I'm sorry mom, it's just I wanna know who I am, where i come from, and I feel like he might have the answer's I want.
Adahy: Gaia there isnt any proof that he's even real. One day all the answers you seek will be answered. Just be patient child.
Gaia: Okay dad.
Zitkala: Now lets go home and eat. Your father caught a huge boar today, and the corn is finally ready to be picked so I got us some.
The family went home to eat and rest after a long day. The next few day's were spent plucking flower's and planting seeds. The children noticed that the more pollen they got on themselves the better their wounds felt.
Nahele: Hey Gaia's dad, what is so special about these flower's again??
Adahy: The pollen within the plants can heal your body and restore your magical energy. That's why we have people pluck and regrow them. They are the main ingredient in all of our medicine.
Izusa: Wow that's why it feels so good just being out here.
Adahy: Yes but too much exposure to the raw pollen can make a person sick.
Izusa: Why?
Adahy: Every human is made to hold a certain amount of magic. You can work hard and train your body for more magic power, but there is a limit to this. Absorbing too much magical energy can poison us humans.
Huracán: So what's your power level?
Adahy: Huh?
Izusa: Oh yeah I still have my seer stone. Do you mind if we use it on you?
Adahy: There's no need cause I can tell you. My power level is, 84,750.
The children looked with shock. Adahy being only second to the king is stronger than they can imagine.
Huracán: If that's the case....then.... do you know how strong my dad is.
Adahy: King Dasan's power level is, 98,700.
Huracán (gasp): Seriously!!!
Adahy: Yup, that's why he's the king.
Inola: If your that strong then where is your spirit animal?
Gaia: Everyone, look up.
Shooting down out of the sky, a huge owl lands on Adahy's shoulder.
Adahy: Everyone this is Uhuapeu my spirit animal.
Uhuapeu: Hello there everyone.
Izusa: This is so cool. Hey why is he so big?
Uhuapeu: Because I spent year's getting Adahy in shape to gain magic energy. Gaia looks like you've improved since the last time I saw you.
Gaia: Hey Uhuapeu and yeah I finally got my magical ability.
Uhuapeu: Really what is it?
Gaia: It's lightning.
Uhuapeu: How exotic you are. I would love to see a demonstration.
Inola: Yeah show us this lightning power.
Gaia: Your only mad because you were out cold when I first used it.
Inola: What did you say!?
Adahy: Okay everyone relax. Maybe a little spawning match is needed.
Huracán: Yeah that exactly what we need.
Okay everyone go home and get your fighting gear and meet me over there at that hill to do it.
Everyone: Right got it.
Adahy: Your just gonna stay over there?
Gaia: I already having my bow so yeah I'll just get some sleep.
Izusa: Uhmm, Mr. Adahy.....can I sit this one out?
Adahy: Why Izusa?
Izusa: Its just I dont really have any attack magic and I can't make that many portal's. Plus fighting isn't my best quality either.
Adahy: Are you sure?
Izusa: I just want to train more and learn new ways to use my magic.
Adahy: Okay that's fine. With that unique power you'll have to find some way to make it work, but you know learning at few fighting styles wouldn't hurt.
Izusa: What do you mean?
Adahy: I mean even if you don't learn any attack magic, still knowing how to fight with your bare hands or a weapon is still important for living in this world. You kid's got a taste of what monsters we have roaming around our world, so still learning how to fight should still be an option for you.
Izusa(thouhts): Will fighting with my bare hands work? I mean those demons are so terrifying and I never could've imagined them being so strong. But I don't want to be useless in a fight. I have to find away to be able to stand side by side with my friends in dangerous situations. I can't be a burden again.
Izusa: Okay I will.
Laying down on the hill waiting for the other's Gaia wanted to get some sleep but Mitimoye appeared out of nowhere.
Mitimoye: Honestly if you spent as much time meditating as you do sleeping you would have full control over your magic.
Gaia: Not now Mitimoye, I'm trying to.....woah Mitimoye you've grown since the last time I saw you.
Mitimoye: Yes that's because even tho your as lazy as ever, your magical power has grown some.
Gaia: So that explains the lightning around you.
Adahy: Oh hey Mitimoye, nice to see you.
Mitimoye: Hello Adahy and Uhuapeu.
Adahy: Your looking bigger and the lightning around you is a clear sign that Gaia is getting stronger.
Mitimoye: Yes well the only reason Gaia was able to unlock her magic was because she was close to death. That's why she needs to train but all she want to do is sleep.
Mitimoye: Ignorant child I am you, that's how I know all you want to do is sleep.
Gaia: How do I summon the lightning then?
Mitimoye: Concentrate and feel the magic from with in you.
At that moment Gaia closed her eyes and tried to focus. Taking deep breaths Gaia tried to remember how her body felt when using her magic. She felt a warm strong energy fill up her body, then she started to glow. With a large exhaust Gaia summoned lightning around herself.
Gaia(excited): Woah I did it! I finally did it.
Mitimoye: Good now concentrate on the flow of your magic and try to manipulate it.
Gaia(thoughts): Okay. Try to control the flow.
When she opened her eye's she saw that she turn the lightning around herself into arrows.
Adahy: Wow kid your doing great. Let's see what you can do. I want you to fire as many of those that you can at me.
Gaia(shocked): What? Are you sure?
Adahy (laughing): Gaia trust me I'll use my wind magic. Now come on kid.
Gaia: Right, here I come dad.
Charging up his magic energy Adahy created strong winds that even pushed Gaia back a little.
Gaia(thoughts): Oh man he's not playing around. I don't think dad has ever shown this much magical press before. Fine I'll just get serious too.
She charged up her own magical energy with enough force to balance out the force coming from her father.
Adahy: Okay let's do this, Wind wall. Okay Gaia jst try to get one arrow through this wall.
Gaia: Okay. That this!
She fired one arrow at the wall but on connection with the wind it vanished as if it was blown away by the wind.
Adahy: Oh man you gotta try harder than that. If your arrows aren't strong enough to break the wall then they can't even be use as hunting equipment.
Gaia: Are you sure? How am I suppose to make the arrows get through? Okay I have an idea.
She fired off arrows at rapid speed hoping to break the wall but none of them made it through.
Adahy: So after twenty five arrows not only are you extremely tired, you still haven't gotten through the wall.
Gaia(panting): He was...keeping count... this whole time? But he's right I feel so tired but I have to get through the wall.
Adahy: We can stop if you want too.
Gaia: No I can keep going. I gotta learn to get use to the feeling.
Adahy(smirking): That's the spirit kid, now come on.
Gaia(thoughts): Okay so I know that my arrows can't get pass the wall the way they are now. I wonder if I can make them more solid. I just gotta concentrate and control the flow.
She opened her eyes to five solid lighting rods. Pure lightning but solid enough to pierce anything.
Gaia: These were the arrows I made to kill that serpent. These should be strong enough. Okay these are my last hope. She threw the first one and it got stuck in the air current and was thrown upwards. She tossed the next two at different angles but the outcome was the same.
Gaia: Okay so not only do I have to break through the wall, I also need enough force on the throw so it doesn't get caught in the air current. Man if only I had my bow. Wait a minute.
She closed her eye's and concentrated on creating a bow. When she opend her eyes she had manifested a bow but had lost an arrow so she was down to her last shot.
Gaia:(deep breath) Okay this is my last shot.
She took aim and pulled pack on the bow. When she let the arrow fly it pierced through the wall an struck the ground behind her father with the same force as a thunder storm. Adahy looked up and smiled at his daughter. He was so proud of her that he could only smile back as she celebrated but then fell to the ground from exhaustion. As soon as they finished training an urgent message came for Adahy.
Chaska: Yo Adahy.
Adahy: Hey Chaska, what's up.
Chaska: I'd hate to say it but I might need your help.
Adahy: What's wrong?
Chaska: West of the tribe some of the older kids ran into some demons while picking fruits.
Adahy: Oh no, we'll leave right away. Mitimoye tell Gaia and the other children that today's lesson is canceled.
Mitimoye: I'll let her know when she wakes up.
Adahy: Right let's go Chaska.
Waiting for the other's to arrive Gaia drifted away into a deep sleep.
Once the other children had got back Mitimoye told them of the emergency and how they wouldn't be spawning today. She also explained to them why Gaia was sleeping. The child sat around and talked about the future and how they can't wait to improve their magic. In her dreams Gaia was once again in a cold foggy forest. Only this time it was way colder and the comforting feeling was gone. This cold felt like sorrow and despair.
Gaia: Hello? Erebus.... are you there?
All she could here were the cry of someone in the distance. She ran towards it to try and see if she could find it but she couldn't. As she stood there listening to the crys, a tall shadowy figure appeared behind her. His hollow sunken eye's pierce through her. His razor sharp fingers and sharp teeth had blood on them. The monster smelled like death. She ran but everywhere she turn there was the monster. She cried out for Erebus hoping that he would appear but the monster continued showing up. It smiled at her as it went to go reach for her. Before it could touch her she woke up in a panic scaring her friends around her.
Izusa: Gaia are you okay?
Gaia(panicking): Where is it? Do you guy's see it?
Nahele: Hey Gaia calm down see what?
Gaia: The shadow monster... it had hollow sunken eye's and sharp fingers and teeth. It.. it had ice on it's body and it smelled of death.
Izusa: Hey it's okay you were just having a bad dream.
Izusa hugged Gaia as she tried to calm her down. That was the last time Gaia had a dream about Erebus and in time she stopped bringing him up. She trains everyday with her father to master her magic and become as strong as she can be but nothing could prepare her for what was to come.

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