Book One, Chapter Ten:Deception

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Servant(1A): That boy is a monster.
Servant(1B): Could he possibly be a demon?
Servant(1C): The energy around this forest boy is sinister.
Servant(1D): There's no way he's a normal boy.
Pamuya: ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP! I don't care what you think of him, I won't allow you to speak of Erebus that way!
At that moment the chief's laughter turn everyone's attention to him.
Ryuu: I think this boy has shown some respectable skills. How about this, in three day's when the winter is over these young men will show the tribe their skills. If he can prove that he can beat Yoru in a match, then I'll accept him into my family. And if Yoru wins we'll be forced to send you away. How does that sound?
Erebus: I'll do it.
Pamuya: Erebus no you don't have to do this.
Erebus: It's okay. I'll do this and when I win I get to stay with you.
Yoru still shaken up from the punch says" You better be ready, cause next time we meet you won't be so luck."
Ryuu: Then it's settled. Servant get the word out to the people that in three days on the first day of spring, we'll be hosting a fighting festival with our main event as these two.
Servant(1B): Yes chief, I'll get started right away.
Ryuu: Pamuya, Hakan take this boy home a prepare him for his fight. He may be strong but if that last attack wasn't blocked it could have done some serious damage. Hakan teach the boy how to properly fight.
Hakan: Yes father.
As Torao and his family took their leave, Yami and Erebus locked eye's. Yami blushed as Erebus smiled back at her.
Bemola: Come now Yami.
Yami: Oh...okay....uhm...bye Erebus.
Yoru walked passed Erebus with only a thin gap of air separated the boy's.
Yoru: That moment when you froze me I saw what you truly are. So now I have to purge you from this world.
Erebus said nothing, he didn't even look Yoru's way. He just stood there looking at the art on the wall. Back at the house Erebus, Pamuya, Hakan and even Malsum talked about today.
Hakan: See, this is what I meant when I said he is too dangerous.
Pamuya: I am tired of you talking about Erebus as if he isn't human.
The room went quiet, then Pamuya said " What do you mean?"
Hakan: A few months ago I went to your mother to see if she had any idea of who he could be. She told me that Erebus couldn't be human.
Pamuya: Shut up.
Hakan: She said that he has human DNA, features and even emotions but he just has something within him that makes him different. Something that makes him evil. I wanted to tell you but it's not like you would listen.
Erebus stood there in shock to hear this.
Erebus (thoughts): Did that old woman figure me out? No there's no way a human could have known about my existence.
Pamuya: I don't care what he is. His name is Erebus Guipago and he's my son.
Hakan: He is not your son!! He might be from the Zuni tribe, and if that's true then that means he's cursed.
Pamuya: Erebus is that true?
Erebus: No it's not.
Hakan: Then tell us everything about you right now.
Erebus: Fine I'll show you.
Sitting on the floor, Erebus told Pamuya and Hakan to join him. They sat on the floor and meditated. In meditation Erebus linked Pamuya and Hakan's minds to his own, allowing them to see his deepest memories.
Hakan: Where are we?
Erebus: We're in my mind. I'll show u guy's my earliest memory.
Pamuya: Are we in the Sand?
Erebus: Yes.
Hakan: What's that cloud over there?
As they walked to the top of the sand dunes, Erebus personally sent memories and messages into Pamuya's mind.
Hakan: Is that you walking down there Erebus?
Erebus: Yes.
Pamuya: Who is that with you?
Erebus: He was a friend of mine. We walked for month's in the Sand before he died.
Hakan: Is this how far back ur memories go?
Erebus: You only truly start remembering things at the age of 4 or 5 years old. So no I don't remember before this memory and the one person who would know is gone.
Hakan: Fine how do we leave here?
Erebus opened his eye's and broke the connection between the three. Confused at what she saw Pamuya sat there thinking. Hakan was annoyed because his questions weren't answered.
"I'll be back in the morning for your training boy." said Hakan as he walked out of the door.
Pamuya: Hey Erebus, what was that?
Erebus: What was what?
Pamuya: While you were showing us your memories, I saw something in my head.
Erebus: The images in your head were my true origin.
Pamuya: I saw a palace and inside there were these two containers. One of them had you in it.
Erebus: That's why I don't have a real mother. I was created by Massaw, he's my father.
His words shocked Pamuya freezing her with fear.
Pamuya: That doesn't make any sense. The great war ended over 200 year's ago. If he's truly your father then how could you only be 10 year's old.
Erebus: Inside the Big Sand, time doesn't exist. I didn't start aging until I got here.
Pamuya: So why did you come this way?
Erebus: I was meant to come and get my father's spear, and then go back home but....
Pamuya: But what?
Erebus: But then I meet you. I lived with the Zuni tribe for 125 years after I left the palace. They saw me as a blessing and it was the first time I ever interacted with humans before. After living with them and seeing how happy and peaceful they were, I thought living like a human could be an enjoyable thing.
Pamuya: So what exactly are you.
Erebus: I am the Ice Wendigo Erebus, youngest son of Massaw.
Pamuya: Legend has it that you died, I would've never guessed that it was you.
Erebus: You don't seem afraid.
Pamuya: Erebus honestly your magical energy is very sinister, but you yourself are a wonderful person. I always knew something dark was hidden with in you, but when I saw that four year old boy living with wolves I couldn't just leave you there.(crying) Now I'm just afraid of what they'll do if they find out. These passed few year have been the best and I don't want them to take you away from me.
Erebus: Everything will be alright mom. I'll always be here with you. My time living with the Zuni tribe taught me that people outside of the sand were fearful of what I could do, no matter what my intentions might be. And then living with you made me realize my true goal now.
Pamuya: What's your true goal?
Erebus: I want to live in a world of true peace and to do that I have to find the other wendigo if it's still alive.
Pamuya: How many Wendigo's are still around?
Erebus: Just me and possibly the infant my father sent into this time era.
Pamuya: How are you gonna find it?
Erebus: All Wendigo's are spiritual linked together and to Massaw. Memories, thoughts and feelings can all be shared amongst us. Just how I connected with you and Hakan while meditating, is the same way I could connect with my siblings.
Pamuya: Do you think the other Wendigo is even still alive?
Erebus: I hope so, but for now I have to prepare for the festival.
Pamuya: I still don't think you should do it. Yoru's magic is an ancient form of magic. Light magic is strong and divine.
Erebus: I'll be fine (smirking), you know the Zuni people looked at my magic as divine mana.
As the two finished up their talk, Hakan stood outside listening to the whole conversation. He was shaking but he knew he couldn't make a sound.
Hakan(thoughts): I can't believe it. I doubt that he noticed I was here, cause he wouldn't speak so freely. I knew that boy was a monster. I have to tell my father, but they'll kill Pamuya if they find out that she brought a demon, let alone a Wendigo into our tribe. No I have to tell my father, the safety of the tribe is all that matter's. As the next king it is my job to keep my people safe from all threats.
Using a technique called flash step, Hakan was able to head home without being detected by Erebus.
Hakan: Pamuya I'm truly sorry for what might come.
Flash stepping all the way to his father's palace Hakan felt conflicted about telling his father what he had just found out. He stood at the entrance hesitant to go inside when a voice in the night said" Hakan what are you doing here?"
Hakan: Huh... oh father it's you.
Ryuu: Hello my son, why are you here?
Hakan: Father.....I have to.....
Ryuu: Speak my son.
Hakan: I think I have some information about Erebus.
Ryuu: Oh really? Let us go inside and talk.
Ryuu: Okay my son, tell me your story.
Hakan: When we went home, Erebus showed me and Pamuya his memories. He showed us him walking throw the Sand. I felt like it was more so an illusion than a memory, so in angry I left the house. But before I came here I heard him tell Pamuya the whole truth.
Ryuu: So who is he my son?
Hakan: He said he's the Ice Wendigo.
The room was silent for a while before Ryuu said" Our ancestors always said that one day a demon will come for the Bloodline Spear. But as this is our holy land we shall purge this world of this evil."
Hakan: Father.... what about Pamuya?
Ryuu: If she doesn't turn him in by the festival, she'll be charged with treason.
Hakan: Father I don't think Pamuya should be charged.
Ryuu: Your not thinking logically about the situation. I will give her time to think about it. The festival will continue and if Yoru can kill the boy he'll be a champion, but if Erebus wins we'll charge in and capture him. Then we'll have killed a demon child.
Hakan: And what about Pamuya father?
Ryuu: Then she and anyone else who defends him will be executed.
Hakan: Do you think that's a safe plan father? Shouldn't we go and get him now?
Ryuu: No he'll be too aware of the situation right now. Relax my son and do not speak of this to anyone one. Train the boy as planned and let the boy walk into this trap. Also follow him around and find out who else might know about him.
Hakan: Yes father.

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