Book One, Chapter Six: A New Family

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On several occasions, the woman would come back to the cave leaving food for the boy. In those few day's Erebus never appeared to the young woman, but one morning Pamuya returned to the cave to leave food for Erebus.
Hakan: What are you doing?
Pamuya: Oh hey...uhmm I was just, uhmmm....
Hakan: You were leaving food for that child right?
Pamuya: Okay you got me. I didn't want that boy to starve.
Hakan: That's not your responsibility Pamuya.
Pamuya: How can you say that. No child should be left alone like that.
Hakan: For all we know he could be a skinwalker.
Pamuya: Oh please, no one has seen a skinwalker in nearly a hundred year's Hakan.
At that moment Erebus came out of the cave. He turn the corner and the power pouring out of him was terrifying. He stared at the couple for a few moments before saying" Hello."
Pamuya: He....hello.
Erebus: Thank you for leaving me food.
Pamuya: Your welcome. I...I have some more food if you are hungry.
She walks closer to the boy but before she could get close Hakan came between her and the boy.
Pamuya: What are you doing Hakan?
Hakan: Wait Pamuya. This boy has a horrible feeling about him. He feels evil.
As Hakan started to use his fire magic Erebus just stood there making everything around him colder.
Pamuya: Wait no please stop. Hakan lower your hand. This boy needs our help.
Hakan: Do as you please but I'm going home.
Hakan dashes throw the trees locking eye's with Erebus just before leaving, and in that moment Hakan felt death coming from the boy. He kept his distance in the tree's not wanting to leave Pamuya behind.
Pamuya: I'm sorry he's just very protective.
Erebus: It's okay. Thank you for the food. You have a kind soul.
Pamuya: Do you live here with your family?
Erebus: No. I don't have a family, not anymore.
Pamuya: What do you mean?
Erebus: My family sleeps with the earth now.
Pamuya: Oh, where are you from?
Erebus: I've been walking so long I don't even know.....
Pamuya: Do you live in this cave by yourself?
Erebus: Yes. It's just me and the wolves.
Pamuya: What's your name?
Erebus: Erebus.
Pamuya: Do you have a last name?
Erebus: No just Erebus. I should return to the wolves. Again thank you for the food.
Pamuya: A boy your age shouldn't be living in a cave. Why don't you come back to the village with me?
Erebus: Are you sure? The man you came with is up in the tree's watching and I don't think he'll agree with you.
Pamuya: Huh? Oh you mean Hakan. Hey how can you see him?
Erebus: The power I get from my spirit animal gives me enhanced sight.
Pamuya: That's amazing. I don't even have a spirit animal.
Erebus: So what do you do in your village?
Pamuya: I'm a healer, but I love exploring the world and finding new thing's.
Erebus: I lived in a village once. Everyone there was happy and joyful all the time.
Pamuya: Well we have a few bad apples but I'm pretty sure it'll be better than living in a cave. So would you mind coming and living with me?
At that moment Hakan jumped down from the trees to interrupt their conversation.
Hakan: Pamuya are you crazy. He can't come with us.
Pamuya: He's not coming with us, he's coming with me.
Hakan: How can you even think about doing something so dangerous.
Pamuya: He's not dangerous. He's an innocent child who deserves a better life than living in a cave.
Hakan: Look at his chest. He is a bringer of winter and from the feel of it, this child has almost the same out of mana as my father. He's dangerous and he already has his marks from his homeland. He wouldn't be able to enter the trip either way.
Pamuya: I could give him my blessings. You know I can.
Hakan: You know if my father was here right now, he would have you thrown in jail for just careless giving an outsider your blessings.
Pamuya: Well then let's be lucky he's not here or are you gonna tell him yourself?
Walking up to Erebus and places her had on his chest.
Pamuya: Mother Aiyanna I give him my blessings.
She removed her hand from the boy's chest, to show that she changed his mark, to the symbol of the Peta tribes.
Erebus: What is this?
Pamuya: Well now it's official. You can come home with me.
Hakan: He is not staying in our home, Pamuya.
Pamuya: Would you calm down and.....
At that moment Erebus froze Hakan's feet to the ground making his fall on his back and said " Can we go now."
Pamuya (laughing): Now Erebus that's not nice. It was funny but please unfreeze his feet.
Erebus: Okay.
Hakan: Why you little shit.
Pamuya: Serves you right. Treating him like he's a monster. I thought you were different from your father but I can see it's in your blood to be like this.
Hakan: I won't say anything to my father, but if they find out, if his boy can't behave himself.....I don't think I can stand with you.
Looking Hakan in his eyes all she could say is " Come Erebus, we're going home."
The two walked back to the village themselves leaving Hakan behind. The whole walk Pamuya held back the tears she had building up. Once they got to the village Pamuya took Erebus to her mother to see if she could heal some of the boy's wounds.
Pamuya: Hello? Mother are you here?
Adsila: Yes my child I'm in the back.
Pamuya: Mom I want you to meet Erebus.
Looking at this young boy with frosty blue eyes and grayish hair the spiritual leader didn't know what to make of him.
Adsila: Well hello there Erebus.
Erebus: Hello.
Adsila: Where did you find him?
Pamuya: Remember how I told you I meet a boy how runs with wolves? This is him, and I gave him my blessings to live with me.
Adsila (smiling): You always were a loving child. Alright then Erebus, as you hurt or feeling weak?
Erebus: I do feel a little weak and no I don't have any wounds that I know of.
Adsila: If that's the case then, lay in the pool of water over here and I'll help you with that. Just float in the water close your eyes and relax your mind.
Adsila: Okay Erebus are you ready?
Pamuya: Everything is going be okay. I'm right here with you.
Adsila: Goddess magic, mana healer. This will heal your body and your mana.
Pamuya: How do you feel Erebus?
Erebus: It kinda hurts.
Adsila: Something is stopping my magic from going throughout his body.
The pool of water started to freeze the more the spiritual leader tried to heal Erebus.
Pamuya: Erebus relax it's okay.
Jumping out of the pool, Erebus covered the room in frost.
Erebus: What were you trying to do? You tried to read my memories....
Adsila: I was just trying to help you....
Erebus: I don't need your help!
Pamuya ran to huge Erebus and say" It's okay. We won't make you remember if you don't want to."
Once the boy calmed down the room went back to normal.
Pamuya: Hey mom do you have a place were I can keep Erebus?
Adsila: Why not just take him home with you?
Pamuya: Hakan doesn't want Erebus in our home.
Adsila: Well in that case, then you can use my old home at the edge of the village but Pamuya be careful. I sense a powerful force with in this child.
Pamuya: I know. I sensed it too. To be so young and it's almost like he's over flowing with magical energy. But still a child his age shouldn't be left alone.
Erebus: I'm sorry for yelling at you. Thank you for all your help.
Adsila: It's okay young man. It seems that you are blessed with extreme magical energy. It's almost like your absorbing it out of the air.
Erebus: I do feel it. The magical power in the air is so thick I can't contain it sometimes.
Adsila: Well here, I'll place a limiter on you. That way your body will be able to learn how to take in the magic at a better rate. At this point I'm interested to see if you'll be able to control all of it when you're an adult.
Erebus: Okay.
Adsila: Let me just see what your power level is so I can see how big of a limiter I have to place on you.
Pamuya's mother look in shock that his power level couldn't be measured.
Adsila: This is amazing. It can't even be read.
Pamuya: What do you mean?
Adsila: My magic can't measure his power level! This boy is truly blessed. This means this boy has more mana than everyone in the royal family. I have to report this to the town.
Pamuya grabbed her mother and begged her to keep this a secret.
Adsila: But why my child this blessing should be celebrated.
Pamuya: I doubt the tribe will look at him as a blessing. You know how Hakan's family is.
Adsila: Okay my child, I believe that the spirit's will lead you on your path.
Pamuya: Thank you mother. Come on Erebus let me show you your new home.
Just before they left Erebus and Adsila locked eye's. For what were only a few seconds, Adsila felt the force of the young boy's power. Scaring her to the point of silence, she couldn't even breathe. As the door closed behind the boy Adsila began to sweat and breathe heavily.
Adsila: That boy's energy is insane. All we did was lock eyes and I felt like I was paralyzed. I hope the spirit's watch over Pamuya. That boy can't be human.
She looks through all the books she has to see if any human in history was like Erebus. Meanwhile on the walk home, Pamuya and Erebus were stopped but Hakan.
Hakan: I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been Pamuya?
Pamuya: I took Erebus to see my mother for healing and other thing's.
Hakan: Are you coming home with me or are you going to keep looking after this brat with no family?
Pamuya: That's enough Hakan, I am tired you talking to Erebus like that and he does have a family.
Hakan: Yeah their probably somewhere looking for him or their probably dead, now come home this instead.
Hakan grabbed Pamuya by the wrist and starting pulling her in the direction he was walking.
Pamuya: Let go of me Hakan. I said no, I have to watch over Erebus.
Erebus: She said let go.
As the boy stood behind hakan, you could feel the air freezing around them.
Hakan: You know what I think I'll teach this kid some man-.
Before he could finish his sentence Erebus punched him in the gut with enough force to drop Hakan to his knees. Spitting up blood Hakan said" You little bastard (coughing). How dare you."
Erebus: That punch wasn't enough to kill you, but you shouldn't be able to stand for a while. Now leave us alone.
Pamuya was in so much shock all she could do is watch as Hakan was overpowered by the boy. As Erebus walked pass a now wounded Hakan to continue his walk with Pamuya, Hakan sent a ball of fire the boy's way.
Pamuya: Erebus look out behind you.
He didn't even look back as he froze Hakan's spell and the entire surrounded area. Leaving Hakan trapped in the ice, Erebus walked over to his frozen body. His energy felt sinister and evil.
Erebus: I think I'll shatter you into a million peices.
Running to the boy before he touched Hakan, Pamuya hugged Erebus and said " That's enough Erebus, thank you for protecting me. Now please unfreeze Hakan."
It took him a few moments but when Erebus looked into Pamuya's face he couldn't help but to unfreeze him. Hakan fell to a knee, breathing heavy and feeling weak he said " What did you do to my magic power's?"
Erebus: My ice let's me steal the magical energy of anything I freeze.
The two walked away leaving Hakan with almost no magical energy.
Hakan(thoughts): What the hell was that? That punch was too strong for any four year old to dish out. And with that ice attack, he cover a few hundred feet in frost. Then when he froze me, all I could see is a shadowy figure walking towards me. How is that boy so powerful?
Pamuya and Erebus finally made it to their new home.
Pamuya: Well here it is. Welcome to my childhood home Erebus. This will now be your home.
Erebus:Thank you I like it here.
Pamuya: There's food here if you want to eat. It's just some vegetables and some fruit I picked this morning.
As the two sat outside and ate, the night sky was displaying a wide range of stars and colors.
Erebus: I remember the first time I saw the moon. It was amazing along with all the star's it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen. The moon and the darkness of the night bring me a form of peace.
Pamuya: You speak so fluently for just a four year old kid.
Erebus: My father taught me a lot of thing's.
Pamuya: What about your mom?
Erebus: What's that?
Pamuya: What's a mom? Well you know, you have a father and a mother right?
Erebus: Nope just my dad.
Pamuya: Well a mom is someone who will always be there to love and support her child.
Erebus: Nope I've never had one of those, it sounds like a nice thing to have.
Erebus placed his head on Pamuya's lap and fell asleep. Pamuya pick the boy up and took him inside. She placed him in bed and kissed his forehead saying " Goodnight Erebus."

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