Book One, Chapter Fifteen: Erebus vs Yoru

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The two boys just stared at each other. The servant waved his hand and yelled " Begin!!". They clashed in the middle of the ring. The two exchanging blows so fast all you could do is feel the force of their fist. With a punch to the gut Yoru was able to get some space away from Erebus.
Yoru: Wow that looked like it hurt.
Erebus: It barely even tickled.
Using his light magic Yoru created two swords of light.
Yoru: Let's see how you do against my blades of light!!!
He jumped up above Erebus sending slashes of light at Erebus. Erebus blocks the slashes witha staff of ice he created.
Yoru: Your moving too slow!!!
Appearing in front of Erebus, Yoru kick the boy across the ring. He then send dozens of light slashes at Erebus.
Yoru(laughing): If that's the best you can do then I'll just knock you out the ring and be done with you!!!
At that moment a slash of light zipped by and cut Yoru's face.
Yoru: What the hell? How did u reflect my attack?
Erebus: It's called ice mirror, it basically lets me send back any magical attack.
Yoru: You think that'll help you? So that dense shield of magic around you cushions the forces of my physical attacks. My magic attacks are affective but you can block them with that shield of yours. (Smirking) In that case.... I'll just have to move fast than you can block.
Yoru covered his feet with light magic and flashed stepped behind Erebus.
Erebus: Damn I didnt see him move..
Just barely blocking the kick, Erebus slide across the arena. Yoru gave the boy no time to think as he started connecting hit after hit on Erebus. In the stands Yami watched in shock to see this.
Yami(thoughts): You don't have to hold back,(tears) win this with all your might Erebus!
As if he heard her thoughts Erebus blocked Yoru's punch and the counter with a punch of his own. The punch nearly knocked Yoru out of the ring.
Yoru: Well well well, you surprised me there for a moment.
Erebus: Yami I hear you. Yoru I think it's time we stop messing around.
Yoru: Your damn right demon.
The two boy started charging up their mana to such fierce levels.
Erebus: Ice clones.
Erebus created three copies of himself.
Erebus: Let's go. Wolf's magic blackout.
As he ran at Yoru he activated his wolf's magical ability blackout. It can dull the sense of his opponent down to near blindness and total lose of hearing.
Yoru: Your cheap illusions won't work on me!
The clones and Erebus were too much for Yoru to handle. In a circular motion, Erebus and his clones attacked Yoru from all directions.
Yoru: You bastard! Take this...... Shining Light!!!
Shining light is a technique that involves collecting as much light magic as one can, and releasing it in a form of an explosive shock wave. Erebus and two of the clones survived.
Erebus: Luckily I dodged that attack, that could have done serious...... huh? I can't move!
Yoru(panting): Combo attack, web of light. You and your clones are caught in my explosive light web. Now be cleansed by the light
Erebus: Damn it!
In a giant explosion Erebus and his clones were in the middle of it. The already battered and buried Yoru walked away assuming he had claimed victory.
Erebus: Where do you think you're going?
Yoru turned around in shock to see that Erebus was still standing, tho he could tell that last attack didn't a number on the boy's body.
Erebus: It's my turn, Shards of Ice!!!
Using the mana in the air Erebus is able to freeze molecules together to form shards of ice. He send dozens of ice shards Yoru's way. Yoru jumped, he rolled but he couldn't get away from the ice.
Yoru(thoughts): Damn it I can't get near him like this. Those last few attacks really did a number on my body. I need to think of a plan.
At that moment Yoru covered his arms and legs in light. He ran straight for Erebus without even being hit but the shards of ice.
Yoru: I got you now!
While in mid air Yoru spun his leg around to kick Erebus, but to his shock Erebus caught to kick. The punch Erebus used to counter Yoru's kick connected right into Yoru's gut. In pain Yoru looked up to see Erebus sending kicks his way. With three kicks Erebus sent him flying towards the edge. Somehow Yoru regained consciousness and stopped himself from falling out of the ring. The blood on his face and bruises on his body Yoru looked as if he was defeated.
Erebus: Now let's end this......
The boy feel to a knee, his body had be crippled by something.
Yoru(laughing and panting): See I knew you were evil.
Erebus(panting): What did you do to me?
Yoru: Light magic cleanses the soul of all demonic magic. And you've been taking my attacks one after another.(Charging up his energy) I'm going to exterminate you with this last attack.
Erebus(thoughts): Damn it I can't move. He collecting too much mana.
Wendigo: Are you seriously gonna let a guy like this kill you.
Erebus: Shut up.
Yoru: Here it is Erebus, Exploding Light!!!!!
Erebus created a wall of ice to block Yoru's attack. The force of his attack is overwhelming Erebus.
Wendigo: Come on be reasonable. You're gonna die.
Erebus: Shut the hell up! I need to focus.
Yoru: Try all you might but this is it!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!
With the wall breaking down Erebus didn't have a plan to block Yoru's attack. Breaking through the wall Yoru's light shined as bright as the sun. The shock waves were felt even outside of the magical barrier.

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