Book one, Chapter Sixteen: Wins

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The crowd was silent as the dust settled.
Yoru(panting): Are dead.... demon???
The dust clear and you see Erebus holding Yoru's light magic in his hand.
Erebus: Yoru.... let me tell you something about divine magic. No better yet let me show you.
The bandages on his arm fell off and exposed his demonic arm. Closing his fist he made Yoru's spell freeze and crushed it in front of everyone. Charging up dark mana Erebus eye's shined brighter but the boy looked more and more like a monster. Clapping his hands together Erebus created a thick ice dome over the ring.
Erebus: Now that no one can see us, I'll get rid of you quickly.
Yoru: You smug bastard....... It doesn't matter what form you take! I have the blood of a God in me and I will purge you from this world!!!!
Erebus&Wendigo: Demons magic.....FEAR!!!!!!
Yoru: I already told you, YOUR ILLUSIONS DON'T WORK......
Yoru felt weaker as he was surrounded in darkness. His inner fear was being brought out of him. Something hit him in the back of the head, then in the chest, and then again in his ribs.
Yoru: Your sneak attacks are pathetic!Take this.....
As he stuck out his arm, no mana come out of his body. In a state of shock Yoru continued to be attacked by something he couldn't see. With the last punch dropping him to his knees, Erebus appeared out of the darkness.
Yoru(thoughts): What's wrong with me? I can't I stop shaking? His mana is so twisted and sinister, am I truly afraid?
Erebus & Wendigo: Look at me.
Erebus grabbed the top of Yoru's head and looked him straight in the eye's. His icey blue eyes felt as if they were freezing the boy's very soul,Yoru was terrified.
Erebus & Wendigo: Fall into your FEARS.
He dropped the boy leaving him in a state of fear. As Erebus walked away he opened the dome. The crowd was shocked to hear Yoru screaming in fear.
Torao(shocked): What the hell happened!? Brother did you see that?
Ryuu: I saw nothing.
Yami(thoughts): Erebus...
Erebus rewrapped his arm and continued to walk towards the edge of the ring.
Servant(1A): Uhmm......Yoru.. can you continue?
Erebus: He's done. We can end....
Yoru shacking while trying to stand up. On his feet the boy was out of breath. The blood dripping from his body and the panic in his eyes are a clear signs he didn't have any power left.
Yoru: I.... can still....fight!
Erebus: I'm tired. I'd hate to admit it but you pushed me further than I expected. You have my praise for that.
Yoru(smirking): It is my duty to kill you.
Erebus flash stepped in front of Yoru, he kicked the boy so hard it sent him flying out of the ring. Falling to the ground Yoru had not only been knocked out of the ring, but he had also been knocked unconscious. It was as if the whole world was silent.
Servant(1A): Uhmm.... I....uhmmm.... ladies and gentlemen our winner is....Erebus!!!!

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