Book One, Chapter Eleven:Is This a Date?

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The next day Hakan trained Erebus in many forms of hand to hand combat. With no surprise Erebus learned them all in one day. Erebus and Hakan sat on the ground after training to relax.
Hakan: So Erebus, why did you accept this fight?
Erebus: Honestly I just want peace and if beating that kid from yesterday is how I'm gonna get it then so be it. Hey Hakan, do you know much about the holy war?
Hakan: Just from stories passed down from generations ago, why?
Erebus: How did the God's win and what did they find?
Hakan: The God's won by creating us human's. My forefather was there the day they stormed the palace of the dead. He told stories of how they had seen Massaw and the four Wendigo's covered in stone. The stone wouldn't break so they sealed off the room, but a deeper look into the palace showed six adult size containers. Five of the six had been scratched off except for one.
Erebus: What did that one say?
Hakan: I do believe it was Gai or something like that, but that doesn't matter cause the container was broken the name plate was scratched. Anyway your training is over and I will see you at the festival boy.
Erebus: What that's it? The festival isn't for two more days.
Hakan: I'd hate to admit it but I've taught you everything I know myself. If you were human you'd make a great student.
Erebus: What did you say?
Hakan: Nothing boy, train in your own way now.
Hakan left leaving Erebus confused about what he said.
Erebus: Did he say "if I were human."? It's probably nothing, hey Malsum are you around?
Malsum: Yes Erebus.
Erebus: I think I found the other Wendigo.
Malsum: So you need to meditate and try to connect with it.
Sitting face to face with Malsum while meditating, Erebus is able to concentrate his wolf's magic to better find the other Wendigo's power.
Erebus (Thoughts): If your out there come find me.
In the distance he here's a voice say " Hello, who's there?"
Erebus: It's me Erebus.
Yami: Who are you talking to?
Erebus opened his eye's surprised to see Yami, Bemola, and Pamuya standing in front of him.
Erebus: Huh... oh hello.
Pamuya: Hello Erebus where is Hakan?
Erebus: He left a while ago. He said we're done training and then he told me to train in my own way.
Pamuya: That man is something else. Anyway this is Bemola Pamola and her daughter Yami.
Erebus: Hello there.
Bemola: Hello there young man.
Yami: Oh.... hi Erebus.
Erebus: I'm sorry about the other day.
Pamuya: There's no reason to be sorry. I'm sorry that you're subjected to be put on display like this.
Erebus: It's okay. I'm tired of not really living with the tribe anyway. Plus I'll be able to show that a can protect all of you.
Bemola: Protect us? Well then you'll have to get past Yoru first.
Pamuya: Well I'm going inside to make something for dinner.
Bemola: I think I'll join you. Yami why don't you stay outside with Erebus.
Yami: Okay mom.
Erebus: So what's your magical power?
Yami: Oh uhm I can create snow like my mom.
Erebus: That's impressive. Do you have a spirit animal yet?
Yami: Oh no not yet. My magic is for healing and defense. Plus I don't like fighting like that.
Erebus: I see your the complete opposite of your brother. Do you think I'm a demon too?
Yami: No I think you're cute......(blushing) I mean I think your a nice person.
Erebus(blushing):You think that I'm cute?
Yami (blushing and panicking): No I didn't say that.... I mean yes I do but.... no I mean no I don't I just think you're a nice person.
Erebus(laughing and blushing): Thank you, you have a kind soul.
Yami(thoughts): Why did I say that. I can't believe I just said that to him. Now he knows how I feel. I probably shouldn't feel this way about a stranger but his eye's are just mesmerizing and he's just so mysterious, oh but he probably thinks I'm a weirdo now.
Erebus: Yami....Yami?
Yami: Huh...
Erebus: Do u wanna see something?
Yami: Oh yeah sure.
Erebus: Okay come with me.
Yami followed Erebus through the forest. Barely being able to keep up with Erebus, Yami was having the time of her life. The children stopped at a giant tree.
Yami: Is this the place?
Erebus: No. Now we gotta go up.
Yami: Oh I'm not sure about that.
Erebus:why not?
Yami: They say this tree has no top. The tree that passes through the heavens.
Erebus: Get on my back and I'll take you up.
Yami got on Erebus' back as the boy leapt off the ground and on to a branch.
Erebus: Are you okay?
Yami: Yeah I'm fine. I'm just going to hold onto you until we get to the top.
Erebus: Okay well we're almost there. Just a few more jumps. Okay we're here.
Opening her eye's Yami say the entire forests. She was able to see the village and forest covered in snow as the sun began to set.
Erebus: So what do you think?
Yami: I don't know what to say. I feel like I can see the whole world from up here. It's so beautiful, thank you Erebus.

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