Book One,Chapter Four:A New World

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Nyx: That's it Erebus your almost done.
As he inhales mana the pressure around him lessens. He opened his eye's and said " I feel like I can't absorb anymore energy but I don't notice anything different about me."
Nyx: You'll notice it once you leave this place.
Erebus: Okay. So now will you tell me the story of father?
She smiled and said " You know your the only reasonable brother I have. Chibiabos is a tyrant and Kudo is a pervert demon, I would love to talk to you more once you've grown." As she finished her sentence she began to fade away.
Erebus: Hey Nyx, what's going on?
Nyx: Our time together is over brother. Fine the spear and the other Wendigo and I'll tell you everything you want to know.
In the real world Erebus opened his eye's and notice the change in strength he had. He stood up and walked away from the pool of water saying " Thank you sister." He aimlessly walked until he ran into Dohasan sitting in a home with several women. Erebus approached the house and said " I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself ."
Dohasan(shocked):Oh....uhm... my prince.... I'm glad to see your finally awake.
Erebus: How long has it been since I first sat down by the water?
Dohasan: its probably been four day's now, I was so worried.
Erebus(sarcastically): Yeah I can tell that you were so worried. I hope squeezing that woman's chest helped calm you down.
Dohasan: Actually yes it did.
Erebus: I WAS BEING SARCASTIC YOU DAMN PERVERT!!!! Either way we're leave tomorrow it's time to get back to our mission.
Dohasan(sadden): Okay my prince.(Whispers) He just takes away all the fun.
Erebus: You know I can hear you right? (Thoughts) Now that I can control the flow of my own energy I feel stronger than ever. I wonder if I can jump back up there?
He set his feet and then jumped up. To everyone surprised he had completely jumped pass the landing and smack his face on the ceiling. After hitting his face on the ceiling Erebus fell to the ground landing on his back. As he laid his in the small creator he just made everyone rushed to him to see if he was okay.
Dohasan: My prince are you okay?
Erebus: Yes, the only thing that hurts is my pride. Okay let's do this the easy way.
He stood up and created stairs made of ice. Walking up the stairs he said " Dohasan I'll meet you upstairs and try not to take to long". As he walked up the steps he began to think.
Erebus(thoughts): Just how the hell am I suppose to find the other Wendigo? I doubt that it'll be in the same spot as the spear. Hell I doubt that by the time I make it to the humans world it'll even still be alive. I should've asked Nyx if she knew the other Wendigo's name.
Before he realized it he was back inside the house. Being that it was night time Erebus went to go look at the moon again. On top of the roof he was met by the cheif.
Zuni chief: Hello my prince, have you come to witness the view of the moon?
Erebus: Yes it helps me think.
Zuni chief: What's on your mind my prince?
Erebus: Cheif we're leaving in the morning. I have to go find the other Wendigo but I wouldn't even know where to look.
The cheif reached over and handed Erebus a map. The contained all the information about the human world he would need.
Erebus: Cheif where did you get this?
Zuni chief: Before I was thrown away by the God's I was a traveler. I love exploring and seeing new places. The map will show you where you can exit the big Sand from and plus I've mapped out the four tribes of the human world. If your father through his spear this way, then it probably ended up somewhere around these mountains.
Erebus: I couldn't take this.
Zuni chief: My prince I am stuck here for the rest of eternity, I have no need for such things like maps. I'm sure you'll find more need for it than I would.
Erebus: I wish there was a way I could repay you for all that you have done. Thank you.
Zuni chief: You can thank me by coming back once you've grown. That way we'll be able to have a drink together.
Erebus(smirking): I promise.
Just before dawn Erebus and Dohasan said their goodbyes.
Erebus: Goodbye everyone. Thank you so much for your hospitality.
Zuni chief: Goodbye my prince. Til we meet again.
So they marched north, to find the demon spear. What felt like months of walking Erebus began to feel weak. Even after training with his sister he was starting to run out of mana. With the mountains so close they could see the sand turn into grass and tree's.
Erebus: We're almost there Dohasan. We can make it(that's if my magic last before we get there).
Dohasan: Are you sure you're okay my lord?
Erebus: I'll be fine....let's just keep moving.
Erebus took a few more steps only to pass out due to the heat. Exhausted Erebus falls to the ground. Dohasan put the boy on his back and carried him into the forest.

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