Chapter 1

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George was walking through the hallway on his way to class when suddenly he was stopped. His boyfriend stood there, fairly taller than him. the male took a small breathe as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"yes, Ninja?" the smaller male asked, his eyes, though meeting the others, not shown through his glasses.

"what did I say about these glasses.. sheesh you don't need them, besides I can't tell you're actually looking at me" he takes the glasses off of Georges face to which the Omega just accepts. 

"I'm going to be late to class, Ninja. I need to get going." George says, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek before walking away. As he walked away though he heard the sound of his glasses breaking and didn't look back.

once in the classroom George took his seat, being greeted by his friends.

"Where are your glasses George?" Karl asks, that seeming to be what's throwing him off most.

"George you look horrible when's the last time you slept?" Quackity chimes.

"Oh Ninja took and broke my glasses, but its fine, and to answer your question, Quackity. I haven't slept it 3 days. Not by choice though, I just haven't been able to." George answers their questions as he gets out his note book.

class starts and George seems to day dream. Zoned out he doesn't realize how relaxed he really got and he falls asleep. While George sleeps they learn about the history of the smp. eventually the bell rings and the male wakes up from his friends shaking him. 

"George, come on we gotta get to our next classes. Why did you fall asleep?" George just sighed and gave a soft apology before leaving the class. He wasn't sure what was going on with him but he knew he didn't normally feel this way. It was weird to him. 

Hours past and it was now time for lunch, George sat at the table with Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap. They were laughing and talking when their friend Dream showed up, which for some reason made George suddenly feel overly submissive and almost as if he had to obey.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late a teacher wanted to speak to me about my homework" Dream said, not looking at the male beside him, however Sapnap and Karl couldn't stop looking at George who's skin has gone redder than a tomatoes. 

"Guys?" Dream asked. Clearly confused as to why he had been ignored. He looked at Quackity. "Do you know why they're ignoring me?" He tilted his head.

"George." Quackity gestured towards him. Dream looked to see the red submissive boy, all embarrassed and weak almost. That's when dream smelt it. George had gone into heat IN SCHOOl. 

No one seemed to acknowledge it at first because it smelt like blueberry muffins, but then Dream noticed Alphas getting aggravated and tried to mask it with his own pheromones.

"I'm taking George to the nurse.." Dream kept his voice quiet but loud enough for only his group to hear him, he picked George up gently who curled into him and he took him to the nurse. once there the nurse called the emergency contact on there and there was no answer.

"Strange, typically parents always answer their phones. Maybe they're busy. but he needs heat suppressants at the very least.. do you know any other omegas who may have spare?" She asked dream, looking for male heat suppressants in her cupboards. 

George was in dreams lap, occasionally whining that he wants dream, but mostly just cuddling into the alphas scent. "No sorry, I only really know alphas and betas. He's the only Omega I know."

"That's fine, I think I have just enough, I'll have to use my lunch break to get more." She hands Dream 2 pills and smiles "get the poor boy to take these and you two can leave in 30 minutes after. I'll be back, don't do anything inappropriate."

Dream nodded at the nurse and when she left he looked at George. "You wanna feel better?" 

George nodded and looked at Dream, he was on his hands and knees, face red and dripping with sweat. He hated his heats.

"take these please George" Dream pleaded a bit but the omega seemed to pout.

"I don't wanna take the pills, I wanna do something else~" George whines, his face red.

"No way George, we are in school and we both have boyfriends, besides you aren't thinking straight" He stands up.

"I don't care about Fundy or Ninja! I want you" He whines "I just want you!"

Dreams face went red and he sighed. He handed George a bottle of water he had in his bag, and the two pills. 

"Please I don't want the pills Dream, I want you. I'll be good~" He whimpers.

"If I give you a single kiss will you take the pills?" Dream asked, just wanting George to take the pills and be done.

"mmm, not what I want but fine..." George was talked into taking the pills and then taking a nap. After a 30 minute nap, the bell rang signaling they would need to head back to class, so Dream woke up George.

"He George, you ready to go to class?" The males nose and cheeks were still red but his heat was in control. 

"Yeah.. I guess. Sorry you had to deal with me." George was only half aware of what had happened, he didn't realized he had begged for Dream yet. 

"I promised you a kiss if you took the pills and a nap, and you did both. Do you still want that kiss?" George got all flustered and looked away. 

"We both have boyfriends" Dream took his hand and kissed his knuckles. 

"Well let me know if you ever want the kiss, I did promise you after all." Dream smiled at George who chuckled softly and rolled his eyes, going in the restroom to change clothes.

"Thank you, Dream. I mean it." George became serious for a moment.

"What for?" Dream seemed genuinely confused.

"For making me take the meds rather than...." George trailed off. Dream seemed upset that George worried so much for his own safety as an Omega.

"I wouldn't do that to MY OMEGA I want you to do what you want to when you want. You shouldn't have to be scared for your safety, George. So if you ever need any help, just say My Alpha. I'll be there" George tilted his head in response to Dream.

"I'm not your omega tho, I'm no ones omega, I'm not claimed?" He was confused.

"Well you're my omega, anyway." He says. Not wanting people to mess with George.

"Okay then dream. I have to get to class now" Dream hugged George, to which George reluctantly hugged back and nuzzled into him.

"Bye George." Dream pulled back and went to class. George was blushing. This entire situation left him confused. More confused then ever...

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