Chapter 15

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George woke up. He realized today was the day he got his cast off. It had been a rough few weeks but George was finally able to get it off. He'd need a brace and crutches but he'd be able to do normal activities again.

What he was most excited for him though was being able to walk around without everyone being worried he'd break himself again. Except he didn't break himself. George was on his way downstairs, smiling when he greeted Sam. Hugging him.

"I get my cast off today! Yes!" he was excited to try some things with Dream. Of course They'd need to wait for George to pass his physical exams.

"That's great George. Relax though. You still need to heal. Just Breathe. We leave after breakfast, so try to eat fast." George nodded and they all began to eat, Sam helping Hannah.




They arrived at the hospital almost an hour ago. It had been quite busy today. But finally their doctor was ready to see them. In more specifics, was ready to cut George's cast off. George was nervous suddenly. He was worried something may go wrong, but he was a professional, they wouldn't let some terrible doctor use a sharp object to take a cast off his broken ankle.

"Alright, we're just going to use this Cast Saw and get you a brace and you'll be free to leave, seeing as you already have crutches. Let's get started shall we?" George nodded and the procedure began. It was quick and painless, George felt weak in his ankle without the cast but he'd have to build up the strength again.

the doctor left the room and fetched George a brace. They put it on him, the foot having a lot of support due to his ankle being the broken part. They had George stand to try and walk to his crutches. He was limping, but walking without crutches. He smiled wide.




They got home and it turns out Quackity had let the feral boys into Sams home. George smiled and hugged his friends, who all were so excited for him.

"George lets go to the beach!" Karl shouted. He always was the one to suggest group hang outs.

"Alright, but maybe later this week. I need to strengthen my leg a lot more." The group agreed and Karl nodded. Then suddenly Dream just swooped George up, giving him kisses, George was blushing and clung to him.

"I can't wait for you to pass your physical." Dream and George laughed. George hugging him tight. Dream set George down. Quackity started playing a slow dance song. Everyone laughed as Dream bowed.

"May I have this dance, Gogy?" George laughed.

"You may." George gave Dream his hand. They started slow dancing, George was being careful where he stepped. But Dream didn't mind him stepping on his toes occasionally. It was cute.

Dream twirled George, Dream was George's support so George didn't need his crutches.

"You look so cute, George." George rolled his eyes and hugged Dream, resting his head on his chest.

"Hey George?" George hummed in response.

"We may be too young for now, but I promise you one day, I'll marry you, sam will walk you down the isle, without that boot on. You'll wear either a handsome tux or beautiful dress, I'll get to see you walk down the isle and I'll cry. Because you'll be my husband."

George was a cherry red. His eyes watery. That sounded nice, but also so much like a fantasy it sounded fake. He didn't want to lose Dream. This was his happy place.




George was sat in the shallow end, letting the water cover his lower body. He was watching the sunset while all his friends played football in the water. He smiled. This was nice. He was greatful for his friends.

"George!" Sapnap yelled as he ran up to him. Leaving his boyfriends and Dream to play football together.

"Yes Sapnap?" George questioned. He was happy he came to talk to him.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you. What are you staring at?" Sap sat beside him, looking in front of himself. "Oh.. wow... its beautiful."

"Is it? I mean it isn't ugly the way I see it either, but I'm sure its far more beautiful. The yellow, the gray, the blue"

"You mean, Orange, teal and purple?" Sap smiled. He knew George would be none the wiser hearing the name of those colors.

"Yeah. Sure.." he stared blankly at the sky. "Is the world beautiful with all its colors? I at least want to know that."

"It is. I just realized peoples faces must look weird cause you can't see the red under tones in their skin."

They both laughed.

"Yeah especially you. You look stupid."

"I am very handsome thank you very much." George rolled his eyes and Sapnap did the kissy noises.

"Shut up." They both laughed.


"Yes Sapnap?" He hummed.

"You're one of my best friends. And I know this is a serious topic for you, but I do need to know, what all happened in yours and Ninjas relationship?" George smiled. Looking at Dream.

"Its not too hard to talk about. After all, I have... my alpha now." He awkwardly laughed, then continued. "Well, Ninja and I started off good. We were good friends, joked about, didn't fight, and then he asked me out. I had never been asked out before and didn't know how to say no. So I agreed. We started dating, it was fine. But a couple years later, we found out I was an omega. And him being my boyfriend i trusted him. But he had already known he was an alpha and he started to treat me like I was... worthless, let's say that much. He wasn't abusive in a physical way but mentally and emotionally he fucked me up." George saw Dream smile at him, so he smiled back.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that.. and I'm sorry I didn't realize you were in pain." He felt bad.

"No need to apologize. I tried my hardest to hide it.." he yawned. Leaning on Sapnap. "I'm napping on you now."

"Okay, Gogy. You rest up." He leaned his head on George's and watched their friends play football.

All Sapnap knew was that George deserved better than he'd gotten.

Far better at that. George would of course get that in the future but, we aren't there yet.

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