Chapter 16

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They were all hanging around the living room at Dreams house, George curled up in Dreams lap while the other three napped, cuddled up together.

As much as we love the soft moment thats not what this chapter is on. Rather we're paying attention to Tommy.

                 Tommy's P.O.V

I walked into my bedroom. I love Hannah but its kind of annoying sharing with a GIRL. But other than that: me and tubbo met this really cool guy! He calls himself "Ranboo" I think he's pretty cool but I don't wanna let him know I'm all chummy with him.

I grab my toy sheep I came in my room for and run downstairs. Tubbo and Ranboo are both 6! Ranboos the oldest he turns 7 sometime soon.

I handed tubbo the sheep and he smiled.

"Thank you Tommy. Let's all play with the Animals!" So we all sat in the circle

I heard sam walk into the house, calling for George with no response. Jokes on him i know George is in his room with his Best friend Sapnap! They're currently asleep all cuddled up together. If I didn't know Dream I'd think George had a thing for Sapnap.

"Tommy where is your older brother?" I smile.

"Which one?" I do think of Quackity as my older brother. He's very awesome I wish he did live here.

"George. Where is George?" I had the smartest idea ever.

"With Sapnap." and Karl, Dream, and Big Q. But dad doesn't know that.

"And where did they go?" I shrug in response to dad and he goes upstairs im assuming to look for George.

Tubbo looks at me "was that necessary dude? Sure its funny but you made your dad worry."

"I'm sure its fine tubbo" Ranboo assured.

"Yeah Tubbo its fiiiinneeee" I smile and head to the TV to put on a youtuber we all like. Tom Simons (yes I plugged his vlog channel. Check it out.)

we were about 4 minutes into the video when Sam came down the stairs and looked at me. I smiled and he let up the serious face and smiled back.

"Fine I'll let it go. " He smiles "You could of told me they were with the others.

"You're more comfortable having him in 5/5 feral boys rather then snapchat?" 

Sam chuckled and nodded. "More people to ensure his safety." I nods. Fair reason.

ranboo stood up and paused the video. "Tommy I wanna go play outside."

"well good on you, boss man. Lets go outside Tommy!" Tubbo smiled.

"Thats what I said" Ranboo whined

"Great Idea tubbo." Ranboo grumbled.

I'm glad we're all friends. I thought for sure Ranboo was trying to take Tubbo from me. They say they're married. I think they're just odd.

Have I ever mentioned how I hate having a little sister? We walk outside and her doll house is in front of my ball shed! This is so unfair. But Ranboo takes my hand and leads us to the swings.

"You swing, ill push you" I smile realizing my friends noticed I was upset. They're the best.

"Yay Ranboo!" I ran the rest of the way to the swing and sat down. Sam stood in the doorway watching us. God he looked happy. I was gonna say something but ponk told me it was a bad word so I won't say it.

"Tommy you come in around dinner time, okay? I'm making your favorite." I got even more excited. Tonight was gonna be great and George was missing out. Can't wait to laugh in his face. Haha gogy. ;p

||QUICK A/N sorry I haven't been uploading as frequently. I've been really depressed lately and haven't had the energy I normally do to write an entire chapter a day. This chapter has taken me so long to write and I hope to get more- and longer- chapters out soon. And remember we're going up to 23 chapters in this book. But there WILL be a book 2 that- surprise- will be placed in college. Boom bbs. Love you and bye!

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