Chapter 18

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Sapnap was driving them to an unknown location. It was rather dark but there was nothing to panic over. Sapnap knew this, as he had set up a romantic little date around a spring that they could eat by, and it was very romantic. Why you may be wondering? well, I'll tell you this much, he was very uncomfortable while driving due to two square boxes that sat in his back pockets.

Karl was nervous. It may not make the most of sense but he was. He wasn't entirely sure how he was supposed to cope with his fear but almost as if Sapnap got an aura from him, he hummed softly, his voice coming out like honey to Karl's ears.

"You alright, darlin'? Is it too dark or cold or somethin'?" Karl shivered hearing his voice. His nerves seeming to wash down an invisible drain that sat below his feet. 

"nothings wrong. Don't worry sap. I enjoy the care ride." this response from Karl earned a soft smile from sapnap, who just nodded as a response.

Quackity on the other hand was excited. He lived for these sorts of things, little outings under the moon. His eyes bright at the idea of running around in a field under the moon light. Quackity was dressed in a pair of black dress pants, he had a grey button up on, with his blue zip up sweatshirt. He was wearing a beanie, regardless of the effort he put into his hair.

Karl was wearing mismatched shoes, one being orange with checkered prints, the other dark blue. His shoe laces purple and yellow. He was wearing a pair of ripped tights under his comfortable jean shorts, a yellow tee shirt and black cardigan. His nails simply painted white, and he had regular top and bottom eyeliner. his nail pollish which almost blent in with the white monster can her held clutched in his hands.

Sapnap had his bandana around his head, and his nose newly pierced. He had on his nice hightops, with a pair of black ripped jeans, a belt with chains on oneside around his waist, as he had a white colored graphic tee tucked into his pants, with a black zip up sweater with orange accents currently tied around his waist. later he'd put it on if cold.

Sapnap pulled the car up to a lil parking spot, at a park. Not the kind of park you play at though, more like a nature park. He took ahold of his, hopefully, soon to be fiancés hands. They walked to a little picnic spot where sap had already set up a little picnic basket, which inside held, each of their favorite sandwiches, fruits, and flowers. He had also made sure to bring them their favorite candies. 

Sap sat down at the picnic, gesturing for his boyfriends to sit with him, he passed out everybody's favorite food, after it was all out he pulled out the flowers. Handing them to their respective owner. He smiled as his fiancés began to eat. Eyes glowing with happiness, glad he remembered? happy to eat it? maybe both? Perhaps. His loves sat there as he began to eat. all of them laughing at the awkward silence and began to eat, talk, and just overall have fun. Quackity convincing Karl to dance with him under the stars. 

After what felt like both an eternity and no time at all of dancing, the two semi tired males sat down. Sapnap chuckled. 

"I knew it would of been smart to take a break sooner." The other two just laughed.

"You worry to much, Sap." Karl laughed. His smile so bright. Sapnap knew now was his time. His opportunity to ask the loves of his life to marry him. To settle down with him. To be his forever. He was praying soon, instead of thinking about his boyfriends. He'd be thinking about his fiancés and then, soon enough, his husbands. 

Sapnap situated himself on one knee, smiling at his lovers who sat confused. 

"Karl, Quackity, we've been dating for 3 years now. And though some people may look at us and try to turn a blind eye to the fact we're all in love, I don't care! I love you both with every inch of my body, you two are the best things to happen to me. Yet the thought of living another day of my life not waking up beside you both, scares me. I want to wake up to you two by my side every day. not as boyfriends... but as husbands." he pauses. pulling the two rings out. by now Karl was in tears, his eyeliner running, and quackity was utterly blown away. "So, will you both do me the honors, and say you'll be my grooms?" 

Quackity was the first to speak, nodding and stammering out a happy yes. Sap smiled and put  quackitys ring on his right ring finger. Quackity admired the ring as Karl tried to form a real sentence. Managing to make one after a moment.

"Yes! Oh my goodness! of course I'll marry you! what the honk?! I love you too oh my god!" He was so overjoyed and hugged onto sapnap as soon as the ring was around his finger, quackity quickly joining the hug.

They all laughed, cried, and celebrated their engagement until it was 12:25pm. Returning to the Awesamdude household, going up to tell their bestfriends of their new engagement. the house was quiet and not in the slightest bit messy. it was creepy. They weren't sure what to do, so...

they did the only logical thing, and looked around. They found the bench trio outside in a tent, that sam was also sleeping in. They found ponk curled up in hannahs bed with her, seeming to have read them both to sleep. So that left one room to check. George's room.

but to their surprise, and utter disbelief, no one was in there. At least, they believed this to be true, until they heard muffled whines from the closet. opening it to find George, sobbing with something in his mouth. But the question remaind... where was Dream?

|| HAH You get two chapters for the price of angst! no but seriously thanks for all the support it means so much to me. I'm sooo sorry for the anggggst

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