chapter 14

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I woke up to a bright light shining into the room. It was honestly Headache inducing. Where was i anyway, these were not the walls of my bedroom. I may be color blind but I know blue when I see it and this is white.

"George?" Who's voice is that? I go to move but it hurts. I remember bits a pieces of what I assume to be last night but can't remember the full extent. Why was I in- what I now recognize to be- a hospital?

"Gogy?" The voice asks again. Then they peer over me. A raven haired boy with grey eyes. He seemed to of just woken up. I go to speak but it hurts my chest and stomach. What had happened to me yesterday?

"George please stay still. Let me fill you in."

Sapnap started to talk to me. Telling me about the fact I was in a room with Eric, when suddenly the boys kicked the door open and found Eric beating the shit out of me. Apparently I only remember so much because I had drinken some pretty hard alcohol. I don't remember much else though. Just the sound of buzzing. Apparently what I remember of being beaten up wasn't even the worst of it. My throat was bruised and sore from being held, squeezed and hit. My ribs bruised and in pain from being kicked. My ankle actually broken from being stomped on. I didn't realize this had happened. I must have really been drunk not to of remember these things. I was now stuck in a hospital. Also Apparently I've been asleep for 3 days. Sometimes waking up half asleep for half an hour but I have no recollection of it.

"We were all worried about you. Everyone is sleeping in chairs. I should wake them up" Sapnap seemed freaked out and in a rush.

        (3rd person P.O.V)

"Sapnap please relax. I'm awake now. For sure." George smiles and looks over at the group of people. He then realized his little brother and a little girl were curled up with Sam and Ponk.

"I wanna talk to Dream.." George spoke. He was worried for his boyfriend.

"He fell asleep nearly 30 minutes ago. Are you sure I should wake him up?" George nodded softly

Sapnap shook Dream awake who grumpily looked at him.

"What do you want Sapnap?" Dream asks.

"Actually its what I want." George speaks up.

"GEORGIE YOURE AWAKE" Dreams loud greeting woke everyone up. Dream hugged George lightly. Smiling.

"Morning Georgie how'd you sleep?" Quackity joked.

"Pretty good, actually. Feel ready to walk a mile." He joked back which earned exaggerated laughing from everyone.

"George you need to stay in bed resting." Sam spoke. George chuckled and nodded. 

"Can you get someone to help me sit up. I want to be able to look around properly. Please?" A large group of people went to find a nurse, leaving George and Dream alone.

"Dream what happened? That night what happened?" He was confused, his boyfriend walked up to him, giving him a kiss. George blushed and kissed back. 

"Don't do that again. It scared me. You stormed off and I don't wanna know what would of happened if the shock of you walking away hadn't sobered me up a bit. I was brought back to my senses and we located you. I was so livid. I would hate to be Eric."

George nodded. He was still so confused. The Omega whimpered softly. Seeming hot- and bothered.

"George do you need suppressants?" He was worried.  The male gave a whiny whimper. He was still in heat. George nodded and groaned. Dream sighed and shut the door putting a sign on the door that said do not enter. He shut the curtain and sat by George's bed.

"hey, I know you want something... well dirty.. but you know i can't do that to you while your heats are like this. So please take your suppressants." George whined but agreed, taking it, Luckily when the party got back with a nurse it had been about 45 minutes, enough to let George cool off enough he wasn't a panting lewd mess.

The nurse sat George up before leaving again. Karl hugged onto George, crying.

"We should have stayed by you the entire time rather than letting you sneak off and storm away. I'm so sorry this happened to you!" Karl cried and George just hugged him, smiling into his shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself. I'm okay. you guys did what you thought was best in the moment. I'm just thankful you came after me" George rubbed Karl's back. Quackity was hugging Sapnap, just leaning into him. Karl let go of George and Went up to his boyfriends, clinging onto them as well.

Dream looked to George who was a hot mess. He was only half aware of what even happened, he was tired from all the things going on, and He was on pain killers that helped his pain enough. He was stuck in bed with a broken ankle. He's just trying to live his best life in the bed, that felt more like a prison cell. But hey, at least he was here.

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