Chapter 35: Winter Warfare

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Tooru and Izuku climbed the school stairs with a mission. One was hesitant if they could do it, the other was confident that they would succeed. They reached the top and turned a corner. Now the entrance to the teacher's offices stood before them.

"Well, let's hope for the best, I guess," Midoriya said with shaky confidence.

"Not with that attitude, we won't. We can't show any weakness in there," Hagakure argued. Her boyfriend nodded with a bit more vigor than his earlier demeanor, and the two walked in. After making their way past a few desks, Tooru spoke up and stated, "Afternoon Aizawa-sensei. Can we have a moment of your time?"

Said party stopped typing at his computer and slowly spun in his chair to look at his students. The look upon his face read, "Well, of course, you two are here." Either way, the homeroom teacher sighed before saying, "If you're here to argue the new rules, you best speak to the principal. I had no hand in this, even if I do support it."

Their Monday homeroom class had started with a huge announcement. Students were no longer allowed to leave the campus during their free time unless it was school-related. Everyone knew it had to be because of the recent incident in Deika City, even if it was never stated during the declaration. Even their optional New Year's visit to see their families would require an escort. But the former was the more significant issue at the moment, as it would prevent the upcoming dates planned.

"We are not here to argue that. We want to ask for your help," Tooru said with determination.

Shota raised an eyebrow at this. Perhaps they had a chance, Izuku thought. The boy then said, "We know that at New Year's, we will have faculty escort us home."

"So technically, if we have a teacher with us, we can leave the campus for other occasions," Hagakure stated with glee.

Aizawa closed his eyes as he pondered what was just said. After a few moments passed, his eyelids opened, and he bluntly asked, "When?"

Both were taken aback at the question. Midoriya then answered, "Oh uh, Christmas and the 27th, if possible."

Eraserhead brought a hand up to his chin before asking, "The 27th is Uraraka-san's birthday, is it not?"

Tooru then proclaimed, "Yes, sir!"

The commotion had some of the faculty turn their heads with questionable looks. All Might, however, had a hearty grin.

"Please keep your voice down," the homeroom teacher stated while rubbing his temple. "Anyways, I should be able to accompany your celebration of her birthday on the 27th."

Izuku was confused. This was too easy, but he didn't have much time to ponder this as his girlfriend was quick to speak up.

"And Christmas?"

"What's the plan then?"

Tooru grabbed her boyfriend's left arm as she said, "It's Christmas, only the most romantic time of the year!"

Shota held the bridge of his nose as he said, "Volume, please. Anyways, I'm busy that day, but I can look around for another faculty member to cover for you."

Hagakure then asked more quietly, "What's the catch to all of this?" Midoriya was glad he wasn't the only one to notice how little push back there was.

"I have a favor to ask," Aizawa answered while pulling out a notepad. "I need to be elsewhere this Friday and Saturday for something bothersome. I could put it off, but it's much more convenient if I get this done and over with. However, I ran into a snag." He then flipped a few pages in his notepad. "While I am gone, I need someone to watch over Eri-san. I first asked Togata-san, but he will be away with his family in Chiba. I declined to ask Hado-san and Amajiki-san as they have their midterms to worry about."

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