Chapter 28: Festival Looms

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"Ah, there you are Midoriya-san. Sorry for the sudden text but I couldn't wait until tomorrow," Power Loader said. He patted the student's back and then they both started to head to the workshop.

Midoriya then asked, "How did you even get my number, sir?" Something didn't add up when Izuku received a message from Power Loader just before class. He knew that teachers would have access to his mother's number but not his. All Might wouldn't share it with anyone, except maybe Eraserhead. His mentor had only recently learned of his successor's number and Tuesday visits to the Development Studio as well. There also wasn't much to go by what this was about. Maijima had asked Midoriya to meet him after school, nothing more.

The pro hero then stopped and scratched the back of his head as he said, "That isn't important now. The issue is that Hatsume-san is starting to worry me, more than usual. She's becoming too obsessed with her project for the festival."

Izuku was quick to ask, "Hatsume-chan hasn't hurt herself has she?"

"No, but I'm worried about her mental state." Maijima then shook a bit before saying, "And her cleanliness." He then began to walk again with the student at his side.

Midoriya decided it was best to see what the engineer meant before asking more questions and followed. He entered the Development Studio to find number 202 looking radically different. It hadn't been a week since Izuku last saw it. For one it was bigger and now its legs had been replaced by wheels. The paint job and faceplate looked nothing like before as well.

Izuku then noticed the lack of Mei in the room but had a hunch at where she was. He put down his backpack on a table to his right and proceeded to walk forward until he was in front of the hulking machine. He then shouted, "Hatsume-chan!"

A rustling sound came from within 202. After a few moments, Mei's face popped out from one of the robot's eye sockets. Her forehead, right cheek, and hair had various dirt plus oil stains. Izuku also had never seen his friend have such unruly hair. The whole image only got worse as the pink-haired mechanic climbed out of her project.

"Is it Tuesday already Midoriya-kun? I must be losing my sense of time," Hatsume stated as she began to descend from 202.

While rubbing his forehead, Midoriya responded with, "It's still Monday."

"Oh good! It means I have more time to work then," Mei said as she planted her feet on the floor.

Now in full view, Izuku was truly understanding what Power Loader was talking about. His friend was still wearing the same clothes from his visit last week. He could tell because the large stain she received then was still there, plus various new ones. The stench too was unbearable. Midoriya needed to keep a hand over his face.

"Give me a moment. I need to juice up before I start again," Hatsume stated as she rushed by her friend to her room.

Maijima made his way over and said, "See what I mean?"

Izuku was quick to ask, "You haven't tried to stop her?"

The pro hero then explained, "My philosophy is that as long as a student is safe and legal about it I won't interfere in their pursuit of knowledge or craft. Hatsume is still functional as she is now so I haven't stepped in. I just fear that if it comes to the point that she isn't in a state to be doing this than I won't be able to convince her peacefully. That girl will fight tooth and nail for her 'babies' if need be."

The sound of Mei's voice suddenly came from behind the two, "Hey Maijima-sensei where are the extra coffee grinds? I'm out!"

"Under the microwave in my room. Don't touch my Jamaican Blue Mountain blend though! That stuff isn't cheap," Power Loader answered.

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