Hero Faction

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Isa: "What can we do?"

Xenovia: "We do what me must. Take them down!"

Asia hesitated while I sat in the corner of the train listening to the girl's prattle on and on about how best to combat the Hero Faction. They haven't stopped talking since we left Kitsune at the church. She begged us to bring her. But I said no, a child doesn't need to see the bloodshed tonight.

Kiba: "Come on, guys, we have a plan. Let's use that."

The girls turned to Kiba while I eyed them. The main idea was much like the anime, which means they had no idea. They'd been called out and had no idea what to do; however, they were setting up plans on how best to fight these guys. Honestly, I hadn't much to say on the matter. Instead, I'd rather go in on my own. It would be handled in a few minutes.

The train car jumps make me groan, moving my head to the side.

Y/N: 'It would be so easy for me if they just vanished.'

I pushed that thought out of my mind; accurate, it would be easier. But, I approved of their method. I can't do all the work or handle all the problems. As Leo stated, they were relying on me too much.

Asia: "Um, Y/N... Do you have anything to say?"

I opened my eyes and turned to the group, expecting me to answer. At the same time, I yawned and sat up.

Y/N: "We don't know much. All we can do is adapt to the battle... Form groups and aid where we can. It's probably a setup, so the only thing we can do is adapt."

Saji scoffed, pushing his hair back while Isa nodded approvingly. Yet, Asia looked at me concerned. Before she could speak, Xenovia did.

Xenovia: "You promised Kitsune to fight and get her mother back. You should be more involved. Come up with a plan or something!"

Y/N: "And I am..."

I took a deep breath and peered out of the window as we got closer to our destination. We wouldn't be long now.

Y/N: "It's good to have a plan, but to also be flexible. My job is to help, correct. Suppose I see the opportunity to strike and get Kitsune's mother out of harm's way. Then I will, but we can't plan for what we don't know."

When the train came to a stop, I smiled and turned to them, with a slight grin on my face.

Y/N: "We're here..."

The girls quickly stepped out of the train and entered the park. We stood in the central park and waited for Cao Cao to appear along with his little group. When he appeared with his merry men, they were standing on the roof staring us down.

 When he appeared with his merry men, they were standing on the roof staring us down

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Cacao: "Finally, you made it."

Isa: "Where is the sexy fox lady, you freak!"

I rolled my eyes and caught the scent of the fox. Turning around, I found her being held by two men, and their eyes told me they were in a trance of some kind.

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