A request (Chapter 10)

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Peering through the blinds of my window frame, I shut my eyes and shook my head for a moment.

Y/N: "Good morning, world. Do you want to fuck me over like yesterday?"

My right hand covered my face as I yawned. I was exhausted. Forget exhaustion. I felt like shit. What happened yesterday? I didn't want to think about that. Turning to the bathroom, I stood up grabbing my toothbrush and reached for the toothpaste near the sink and found nothing.

Y/N: "What the hell?"


Y/N: "I swear to god I'm going crazy... I keep hearing Shadow, but he's not even here."

A whining came from below me, and I looked down to see Shadow in his puppy form, staring back up at me.

Y/N: "Shadow?"

Shadow: "Ruff!"

In his mouth was the toothpaste. I chuckled, picking him up and looked at him. Placing my hand on his face, then smiled. Pulling him close for a hug.

Y/N: "You're here...."

Shadow: "Ruff."

Y/N: "I missed you too. But what happened? I saw you disappear into the portal? How are you here?"

Shadow wagged his tail, licking my neck and started to speak. I shook my head as I heard mention what happened. Holding him like a baby, I walked over to the bed and shook my head. Not sure what to ask first.

Y/N: "When you went through the second portal, your body was vanishing... So you gave the gifts to Asia. You, clever little wolf."

Shadow: "Ruff."

I looked to the bed and shook my head, noticing his hair scattered across the mattress and near my pillow. He mentioned that as he disappeared, something happened. It was as if a magical hand was pulling him back to the original manifestation of the spirit world. But even he was confused as to how this all happened.

Y/N: "I don't know what happened. But come on, you probably want to explore for a bit?"

Shadow fell out of my hands and landed on the bed, running around in a circle, then finally lay down on my pillow, falling asleep. I kissed his forehead and rubbed the scruff under his chin.

Y/N: "Goodnight, little one."

Shadow nuzzled my hand then went to sleep. A smile erupted out on my face as I walked out of my bedroom with Jason standing near the countertop, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Jason: "Good, you're up. Wondering if you needed to take a day or two off?"

Y/N: "No, I'm fine...."

Instinctively I closed my hand and recalled last night. Roy was crashing on the couch, Zatanna in one of the spare rooms. While Jason helped me to my bed, I remember thinking how weak could I be if I couldn't do it myself.

Y/N: "Thank you for coming after me last night."

Jason: "What are friends for, am I right?"

I nodded, taking a seat at the countertop, and shook my head. Jason was pouring me my cup of coffee as we spoke for a few moments.

Roy: "Good... Achoo!"

Roy sniffed his nose and shook his head. His eyes appeared hazy while his feet were dragging behind him.

Roy: "Great, I have a cold. You wouldn't happen to have any medicine for that?"

Y/N: "I could probably get the ingredients."

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