Allies [Skyrim part 3]

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Kuroka: "I'm going with you!"

Lydia turned to me already wearing her formal gown as Jarl. Preparing for her talk with Kodlak. While the girls looked at me unamused, as I prepared myself for the journey to Riften.

I wore simple Noric clothes with Sebas wearing the same we didn't want to look like warriors, our plan was to use one of the few tunnels that Lydia had set up in case the city was attacked again since the walls were breached, to begin with. She wanted a way for the people to feel safe.

Technically, now its secret entrance for your group. Sebas already had horses waiting for us.

But the girls were not as amused since they would be forced to stay here and act as guards, while Sebas and I dealt with the Thieves guild and The College of Winterhold.

Y/N: "I told you we need people protecting this city."

Kuroka simply gave me a glare.

Kuroka: "Like we can't do that with the people here. Besides, you promised we could explore."

I groaned and scratched the back of my neck. Not wanting to fight over this with her... However, I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, noticing it was Sebas.

Sebas: "Pardon me, sir, if I may be so bold and suggest a possible strategy."

Y/N: "What do you have in mind?"

Sebas: "During my time, I've learned that one of the key features to winning a war is through communication. Now unfortunately we still do not have a communications tower so the phones may work, however, if we were to accomplish it through magic."

Lydia: "But Sebas, we've already tried that spell. It has no effect in this realm."

Sebas: "True... But when I spoke to our young lord, he mentioned a certain ability that you both share."

Sebas gave me a wink and I chuckled, remembering that conversation. In short, my younger clone enjoyed talking to Sebas. More importantly, he mentioned 'we' could use Telepathy to keep track of one another.

I never trained or mastered it. Never even got a notification or a notice of the skill stating Telepathy. However, because our phones or the common DxD magic spell dealing with communication doesn't work. Might as well adapt to the situation.

Slowly my right hand scratched my scalp going through the possible abilities available to us... It seemed the most evident and useful of them all.

I'd just know for certain that when I show my clones, I'd never heard the end of it from Rias and her peerage. Especially Akeno. Slowly I dug through my inventory puling out a few Soul Stones.

Y/N: "I suppose... Its time to let the cat out of the bag."

Leo: "It was bound to happen."

Y/N: "Well... Let's hope they come out better than the last few tries."

Without a second thought, I'd thrown the three stones out and watched as they take on my form. Two became my exact double in height, weight, and looks, but the final one took on the state of my first clone ever. Still a child and looking rather annoyed.

"This is so unfair, I'm still a kid!"

I chuckled and turned to the girls to see them stepping back shocked. My two older clones turned to me, crossing their arms over their chests and let out a quick chuckle.

Clone 1: "How ironic that they aren't freaking out?"

Clone 2: "You'd think they'd be asking questions at this point."

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