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"Thank you so Much Principle Nezu!" I say and stand up shaking the small animals hand. "Of course Mrs.Bakugo, having you here will be a huge help your younger brothers class we appreciate it." Nezu says and I smile wide. "Of course! I start tomorrow correct?" I say and he smiles shyly. "Do you think you can start today? Just introduce yourself maybe? Present Mic is outside he can show you to the classroom!" Nezu says and I nod.

"Yes of course! Thanks again I'll be seeing you soon!" I walk out of the room and see Mic waiting up against the wall. "HEY! Ready to go?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah let's go!" I say determined. We walk down the halls to the 1-A classroom and he drops me off. "Good luck Zawa's not excited to have an assistant, let alone a Bakugo no offense." Mic says and I giggle. 

"None taken but thanks for the head's up, I'll be seeing you!" I wave and he leaves. I take a breath and enter the classroom full of taking students. As soon as I open the door all heads turn and face me. "YOU!" Katsuki sees me and I smirk. "YOU!" I mock him and he huffs. 

"You must be Misaki..." The gruff man in a sleeping bag says climbing out of it. "Yeah! You must be Shota nice to meet you!" I say and shake his hand. "Mm You as well." He says tiredly. "Why the fuck are you here." Katsuki asks annoyed. "What? You don't wanna see me little brother?" I ask with a smirk. "LITTLE BROTHER!" The class yells and Katsuki huffs. He stands up and walks towards me. 

"Haven't you grown up oh so much!" I gush over him and grab his head pulling him into a hug. "YOU HAG!" He pushes me off him but I see his little smirk. "Come on admit it you missed me?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" He asks and I shrug. "I like to remain a mystery!" I say and he chuckles. "How long are you here for?" He asks and I smirk. "I'm here to stay! After I heard about you getting taken I quit my job to come live here an be closer to you guys. I was gonna stay with the fam but then I got an offer to work here so I took it now I'm moving into the teacher dorms." I say and he crosses his arms. 

"Why'd you quit you shitty job?" He ask and I shrug. "Shitty boss what can I say. He wouldn't let me come help them find you and so I told him to shove it and quit. But by the time I got here you were already moved out and into the dorms." I say ruffling his spiky hair. "Tch of course you just had to come back." He says and I smirk. "Shut up ass hole you love me." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Bro! why didn't you tell us you had an older sister!" A boy with red hair yells. "And such a hottie!" A short boy with purple hair yell and I cringe. "Gross.." I mumble and shake my head. "You didn't tell them about me? What are you ashamed?" I ask pretending to be sad. "No idiot I just care." He says and walks back to his seat. "Idiot.." I grumble and walk up to Aizawa. 

"Sorry for causing such a commotion on my first day! My bad." I say scratching the back of my head. "mmm whatever, just answer there questions before they ask me I'll be over there." he points to his sleeping bag then walks over and crawls in and goes to sleep. "Alright then..." I turn to the class and smile. "Heyo! I'm Misaki Bakugo also know as the pyrotechnic hero: Queen pop!" I say and they oooh at me. "Whats your quirk?" A boy with red hair asks and I smile. 

"Your know Katsuki's quirk?" I ask and they nod. "That but make It colorful. I have all the same things as him but my pops are pretty!" I say and make a colorful little explosion in the palm of my hand. I see as the students watch in awe and then I see little Izuku Midoryia scribbling taking notes. "Deku?" I ask and he looks up. "H-hi! Hi Misaki!" He waves and I smile. 

"Look at you! You're almost bigger than Katsuki!" I say and Katsuki huffs. "Shut up Kats! It's so goof to see you again!" I wave and he blushes waving back. "Wait how much older are you than Bakubro?" A boy with big elbows asks and I chuckle, Bakubro? "Well I'm 28 so 12 years older than him." I say and then nod. "Tch old ass hag." Katsuki says and I glare at him. 

"Little twerp." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Where were you? If you're a hero?" A girl with a large ponytail asks. "I was in America! I worked at Captain celebrities agency but I was an independay hero." I say and they ooo. "What rank were you?" A girl with frog like features asks. "2." I say and they gasp. 

"You worked right next to Captain celebrity!" Deku exclaims and I nod. "But he was an ass, Theres a reason then call him the playboy hero." I say with an eye roll. "OH Scandalous! Did you ever go out with him?" A girl with pink skin asks. "God no! He was such a scum bag! Honestly he was disgusting didn't deserve to be the number 1 in America honestly. He wouldn't let me come back when Kats got taken and that was the final straw so I packed up and came back." I say and they smile at me. 

"How cool! Family first! Dude you sister is super cool!" The boy with red hair says and looks at Katsuki. When Katsuki looks at him I see his cheeks turn as red as the boys hair. Interesting... "Tch she's a hag just like mom." Katsuki says covering his face. "Haha your SOOOOO funny Katsuki." I say sarcastically making them all laugh. 

"You guys seem close!" A girl with pink cheeks and short brown hair says. "I'm Katsuki best friend cause he's a fucking loser." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Look who's talking, She stays home all day she has no fucking friends." He says and I roll my eyes. "What can I say I like my privacy!" I say and they chuckle. 

The bell rings and they all jump up. "Alright everyone see you tomorrow." Aizawa says quickly climbing out of the sleeping bag. "Bye! Nice meeting you all!" I wave as they all leave the room. Once they were gone it was just me and Aizawa left. "So! Aizawa looks like were gonna be working together for a while!" I say and he nods folding his sleeping bag. 

"I suppose." He says with a yawn. " Well then..." He stands right in front of me examining me. "Um..." I scratch the back of my head feeling like he staring into my soul. "See you tomorrow I guess..."I say and walk out of the room. I hear him hum but when I turn around her didn't walk out, he must be waiting to leave. This year should be interesting.

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