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-Aizawa's POV-

I was relaxing in my sleeping bag while Misaki sat at my desk relaxing. The students were catching us on work during our period instead of training today.  "Hello... Is Shoto here?" Endeavor knocks on the open door and stands in the door way. God I hate this guy he's such an asshole. 

"Father." Todoroki says and everyone stares at them. "Shoto yes I was in the building so I furred I'd say hello." Endeavor says and Misaki stands up. "Endeavor." Misaki says and he turns around. "M-misaki?" Endeavor stutters out when he see's here. "Woah! Endeavor stuttering?" Kirishima points out and the class watches in awe. "Aw man it's GREAT to see you really is." Misaki says sarcastically and walks up to him. 

"Your back in Japan... And pregnant I see. Shoto told me you were his new teacher." Endeavor says looking down at her stomach. She was about 5 months now, actually 3 days she'll be 5 months. "Yup." She pops the p emphasizing it. "You know each other?" Todoroki asks and she nods. "He's the reason I moved to America." Misaki says and Endeavor looks away. 

"Wait he's the hero that-" "No one of his idiot sidekicks." She says clarifying it wasn't endeavor who was the hero that touched her. "Bakugo. I'd like to apologize for that. It was unprofessional and I shouldn't have... done that to you." Endeavor says and she "Tch" at him. "Wait what?" Bakugo seemed just as confused as everyone. 

"You know damn well I don't want a fucking apology. I was the best sidekick you had out there and yet you believed that wanna be over me. You ruined my fucking career! Drove me out of the country and practically destroyed every opportunity I ever had of becoming a hero in Japan! Almost America too, only reason I got a job with Captain was because of Toshi." Misaki says folding her arms. 

"Yes I understand that but you have to understand. He was a good hero a thing like that could have destroyed his... career." Endeavor realizes what he was says and she raised an eyebrow. "Can someone explain what's happening!" Mina yells and Misaki stares at endeavor. "10 years ago I was hired as a side kick to work with endeavor." Misaki starts still staring at him. "Bakugo you don't-" "While on patrol his "Number 1 sidekick" assaulted me in an alley way." Misaki cuts him off and everyone gasps. 

"I know and I'm-" "I went to endeavor begging for help after telling him what happened in detail and he didn't believe me. Said I was just a dramatic 18 year old who probably took a compliment the wrong way. It happened. it happened 3 more times before I finally threatened to tell the media. Well Mr. Enji Todoroki got to the media first. Him and his sidekick said I was the one who tried to do things with anyone and everyone to climb to the top. Ruining my reputation." Misaki says and everyone's jaw drops. 

"I was ruined. Not only ruining my chances to become a hero but honestly to get any work! And 10 years later I see you still the same scum you were back then." She says and he looks away. "I think I'll leave." He says embarrassed. "Little bitch ass mother fucker. I swear it's always the biggest baddest people that are actually have the weakest character." She says as Endeavor walks away. "Good bye sho-" "Don't talk to Todoroki. He doesn't want to speak to you." Misaki cuts off endeavor again. 

"He's my son." Endeavor says sternly. "She's not wrong I don't like you." Todoroki says and the class giggles. Endeavor sighs and leaves the room. "Oooooh I swear if we weren't in class I would have blasted his ass to hell!" Misaki grunts and her plans start popping with colorful explosions. "Calm down." I say and grab one of her hands. "Ms. Bakugo." Todoroki stands up and walks towards her. 

"On behalf of my father and my family I apologize for what he did." Todoroki bows to her. "Also thank you for kicking him out, I really dislike him." Todoroki says and she giggles. "It's ok kid." She pats his head and he looks up. "Really don't be sorry for him. You're nothing like your dad you should haven't to apologize for his actions." She says and I see a light pink dust his cheek. "Um yes thank you.." He quickly rushes back to his seat covering his face. I smile a bit, it's cute he has a little crush on her. 

The bell rings and she sighs. "Sorry for the dramatic everyone! See you later loves!" Misaki and me leave the class and start walking to the teachers lounge. "Did that sidekick really try it 4 times?" I asks and she nods. "He got me once..." She confesses to me. "I wasn't feeling good one day, I had the flu. Endeavor still made me come to work, he got me while I was down and count fight." She says and I keeps looking ahead. 

"I'm-" "I'm ok. I went to therapy for it really worked out my demons." She looks over at me and smiles softly. "Plus now I have a loving boyfriend now who's helping me trust guys again." She says and grabs my hand. I smile a little and pulls her into my side wrapping and arm around her as we walk. "You know I think Todoroki has a little crush on you." I say and she giggles. "Yeah I saw that too, he a cute kid haha." She says and I chuckle. 

"I'm pretty sure he actually like Momo or something though I don't know Kirishima was explaining it to me. He also told me a couple other of the boys think "I'm a super hottie" Gross." She says with a laugh. "You'd never leave me for a student would you?" I ask with a smirk. "EW! GROSS SHOTA!" She yells slapping my chest making me laugh. "That's so disgusting  they're kids!" She says laughing with me.

"Good as long we both know." I say kissing her cheek. We walk into the teachers lounge giggle and sit on one of the couches. "Ugh I'm so tired..." She puts a hand on her stomach and rubs. "Your draining me kid." She says making me laugh. "We find out the gender next appointment right?" I ask and she nods. "Yup! I'm kinda hoping for a boy..." She says and I hum. "What about you?" I think for a second. 

"A girl maybe." I say putting my hand on her stomach. "Why do you want a boy?" I ask and she blushes. "I don't know..." She mumbles looking away. "Tell me." I say with a smile. "Well I mean... I kinda consider Eri a daughter to me. Is that weird?" She asks, I feel my ear heat up as she looks at me. "Not at all kitty I do as well." I kiss her nose and she smiles. "Good. Well since she's kinda like my daughter I think having a son would be pretty cool..." She says and I nod.

"Well I think Eri would be happy with a little sister or little brother. When I explained it to her the other day she said "So like they'd be like my sibling?" she was so cute." I say thinking about Eri. "awww I love that kid! I hope she's doing ok being here." I know Misaki worries a lot about Eri and how she's adjusting to living in normal society. If anything about Eri being with us has shown me its that Misaki is a fantastic mother and honestly we're lucky to have her here. 

I'm happy she went to America. I mean if she hadn't she'd no doubt be a top ten hero and I don't think me and her would have ever met, I tend to stay away from big heroes. I would have never gotten to know her, she would have never become my teaching assistant, I wouldn't have ever been able to fall in love with her.... I'm happy she's in my life...

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now