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"Alright everyone lets get in line we're gonna work on some new work outs." Aizawa announces to the group of students standing in front of us. They all had some bad ass hero costumes too, nice job kids. "Me and Ms.Bakugo will demean straight the sparring techniques you need to practice. Pay close attention and make sure to include these moves in your fighting." Aizawa says sternly then turns  to me. 

"Ready?" He asks and I nod. We get into a fighting position and get started. We start off simple explaining different moves to the kids just moving slowly. "Everyone got that so far?" I ask and they all nod. "Good now lets actually fight, I wanna show them what it looks like in real life." Aizawa say and I nod. 

We start over this time not holding back. We start off by running at each other. He attempts to hit me but I dodge and turn around him. I punch him in the back sending him forward. "Hm, good moves Bakugo." He says and turns around. "I wasn't the number 2 for no reason Aizawa." I say with a smirk, as he throws a punch I grab his arms and pull his body in. 

I flip so my back was facing him still holding firmly onto his arm and his chest presses against my back. I step on his foot and flip him around on to his back on the floor. "OOOOOO!" The student says and I chuckle. "Ugh.." Aizawa groans and looks up at me. "Good work Aizawa, Your as old and slow as I thought." I say extending a hand. 

"I'm 30 calm down." he grumbles and I help him up. "No fucking way you're 30!" I say and he smirks. "Why? You think I'm old?" He asks and I rub the stubble on his face. "I could have sworn you were at least 40! Is this what happens when you turn 30?" I ask and he chuckles. "HA! You're gonna turn into a hag for real!" Katsuki yells and I glare at him. "SHUT UP!" I yell and they all chuckle. "Calm down kid you still got 2 years before you turn into an oldie." Aizawa whispers and smirks at me. 

I look at him in his tired eyes and feel a river go up my spine. He may look old but he's quite handsome, Very Handsome actually. I feel my face heat up the more I look at him but I just ignore it and look the other way. "Everyone get into pairs and get started we'll be coming around to check on you as everyone goes along!" Aizawa says and everyone gets into pairs. 

-Aizawa's POV-

The students got into pairs and Misaki stood next to me. She was staring at the students with a small smile when I realize she was staring at Bakugo. I follow her gaze and see Bakugo and Kirishima were working well together. 

"You know Kirishima was the one who came to save Bakugo, encouraged a group of students to go with him." I says and Misaki looks up at me. "Really? I'm surprised Katsuki went with them, he's so stubborn sometimes, I saw the news those kids were very brave." She says and I nod. "Midoryia told me Kirishima was the only one who could get Bakugo to come to them. If not he most likely would have stayed." I explain and she smirks. 

"Thats cute..." She says and I smile at her. "Aizawa!" I see all might come walking into the to the gym. "Hey All might how are you feeling?" I ask and he smiles. "I'm fine so far. AH! Misaki so wonderful to see you!" All might says pulling her into a hug. "You too! I've been meaning to see you since I got back!" She says and he pats her head. "Your looking well, glad to have you here." he says and she smiles. 

"You too! Hey listen I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for Katsuki. He feels... he feels really bad but me and my parents greatly appreciate what you did for him." Misaki says with a bow. "Oh of course Misaki, Bakugo is a wonderful kid he ever thanks me himself." All Might says and she smiles. "Good as he should the little shit. Alright I'm gonna go check on all of them real quick." She says and pulls her hair into a ponytail.

Unlike all her family who had spiky hair, Misaki had long silky hair, ash blond just like Bakugo and his mother but her was pin straight and went to her lower back. "I'll go with you." I say but she holds up her hand. "You chill old man, I got it." She says with a wink and I feel my ears heat up. I look away and hear her chuckle. I don't know why but when I blush my face doesn't turn red the tips of my ears do but still I feel like everyone can see. 

She walks away going up to each pair of students and helps them out. "You know her?" I ask All might as we watch her move around the room. "Yes, I worked with her while I was in America." He says and I nod. "How long how she been out there?" I ask curiously. "Since she graduated UA when she was 18. Nobody thought she was an assent here and never got any offers even though she has a powerful quirk and a heroes attitude. But in America she was scouted after winning 1st place and she packed up and left." All might says and I nod. 

"She would come back occasionally through out the year but when she started working with Captain Celebrity he wouldn't allow her to leave much only once a year during the holidays. She hated working with him so it wasn't a surprise when she quite honestly." He explains and I watch her. "YOU HAG WE KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!" Bakugo yells as she helps her. 

"Shut up Kirishima asked me a question! Don't talk to your teacher like that!" She yells back and he huffs. "Your not my teacher." He grumbles and she rolls her eyes. "Durning school I am you little shit." She says and outs her hands on Kirishima. "Like this, you have to relax your muscles and then when you throw the punch try not to swing to much, you wanna try and drive the punch straight forward like this." She helps Kirishima and he throws a punch into the air. 

"Oh cool! That was way less straining! Thanks Misaki!" Kirishima says and she smiles. "You can leave now." Bakugo says and she looks at him. "What!" he ask and she sighs then walks walk from the Boys. "She worries a lot about young Bakugo. She's obviously much older than him and she was always protective over him. Most times she used to bring him up all the time, Gloating about how cool her little brother was, she loves him a lot but she knows he's complicated." All might explains and I keep my eye on her. 

She's interesting. She seems strong and level headed. She Knows her worth and won't settle for less, Not to mention she's quite attractive. She has pricing red eyes and like I said nice silly hair. She's fit and in shape and had a nice body. I shouldn't be looking at her body like this though, it's inappropriate especially since she's my teaching assistant. 

She walks back over to us and pulls out her phone just scrolling through it as we watch the students. "Are you ok?" I ask her, she seemed down, almost upset. "Just tired. I was up late last night finishing unpacking my dorm." She explains and puts her phone away. "I'm just happy it's Friday I just get to relax." She says and I hum in agreement. "agreed. I just have to grade a few papers and hopefully I get to go to sleep early." I say with a yawn. 

"Why don't I just come over and help you? I am your teachers assistant after all and I've been here for a week already and I've barely don'e anything." She says and I shake my head. "No of course not I'm fine I'll get it done quick just grading their last test." I say but she shakes her head back. "No don't worry about it. There's 20 of them I'll take 10 tests you take 10." She says and I smile a bit. 

"yeah ok you can come over to my dorm and we'll work on it together." I say and she nods. "It's a date." She says with a sly smirk, I feel my ears heat up and I look away. "Worst date ever." I say in a joking tone making her laugh. "Ahah your funny Aizawa! Thats a good one." She says and I couldn't help but chuckle, her life was contagious. This will be good it'll make the work go quicker thank god, at least she's actually a good teacher it makes my job easier that she's chill and not an idiot... 

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