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"Hello~" I walk into the classroom with Eri and the babies in their stroller. "Ms.Bakugo!" Mina yells and everyone waves. "Hey everyone! How ya'll doing?" I ask and Eri runs in. "Mr. Deku! Come meet my little siblings!" She squeals and drags Deku to the front. 

"Hi Misaki! Wow look at them!" Deku crouches in front of the stroller and smiles wide at the babies. "Oh my goodness! Their precious!" Ururaka says looking at them. "This is Shoya, and this is Masaki!" I say and everyone awes. "Hey kitty." Shota comes and kisses my cheek. 

"Hi baby, how's school going?" I ask and he shrugs. "I'd much rather be at home taking a nap with the kids but eh." he says and I laugh. "hehe look at the little shit. He's cool." Katsuki says to Kirishima as they walk up to us. "Damn! He looks just like you!" Kiri says with a large smile. "Mhm, Shoya looks just like Katsuki when he was first born. But Shoya's much cute right baby?" I ask and snicker at Katsuki.

"Mr. Aizawa! Masaki looks just like you!" Sero points out as Shota picks up Masaki. "Mhm." Shota hums holding her in his arms. They've been here for a bout 2 weeks now and Masaki is certanily and daddy's girl While Shoyo is a little mama's boy but that makes it harder for me during the day. 

Sometime Masaki will only calm down if Shota holds her. She prefers when he feeds her from the bottle and she likes to hit my head while "Playing" Of course she's my little angle and she is actually very good but she loves when Shota holds her. As for Shoyo he's kinda in different to us both. He leans a little more towards me but really he's fairly easy. 

Shota is having a blast with them. He'll always wake up in the night if they start crying even though he doesn't have to, he'll help me feed them, change them, and he LOVES napping with them. Eri as well has been a great helper. While Shota's at school all she wants to do is help me with them, play with them, and watch them! I love them all so much.

Katsuki picks up Shoya with a smile. "hehe little freak." he chuckles and I laugh at him as Kirishima comes behind him and gushes over the baby. They are so fucking cute together. Everyone comes around and looks at the babies and I watch as Eri talks to Deku about all the stuff she does with them it was so cute. 

Soon though Shoya started crying after being with Shota for too long. "Awww..." All the girls gush over him as he cries. "How do you find that cute?" Kamianri asks and I chuckle. "Listen how cute his little cry is! Poor baby!" Hagukure says and I grab Shoya. "Why you crying kid heh? You wanna go eat and take a nap?" I ask bouncing him a little. 

"I better get them outta here before Masaki starts crying too." I say putting Shoya away. "Ok I'll see you at home kitty." Shota comes and kisses me quickly. I put Masaki away and grab Eri's Hand. "Bye! It was good seeing you all! I'll be back in a month or so!" I say waving to the students. 

They all wave goodbye as I walk out of the classroom. "Hey Eri wanna watch tv and eat the good ice cream that Shota doesn't want us to eat?" I ask and she gasps. "Really?" She asks and I laugh. "Yeah fuck him! Lets eat to good stuff!" I say and she cheers. When we get back to the dorms I feed the babies and put them down for a nip then make me and Eri 2 ice cream cones with strawberry ice cream.

"Here you go love!" I hand her the cone and she giggles. We sit on the couch with each other watching a random kids show laughing at the stupid jokes and enjoying the afternoon till Shota comes home. "Hey kitty..." Shota comes and flops on the couch the crawls up and puts his head into my chest. "Are you ok?" I ask him with a laugh. 

"I'm so tired..." He grumbles and I message his head. "Awww poor sho..." I scratch as his scalp and he hums. "Are you ok Dad?" Eri asks. "I'm ok Eri just ti- Wait did you just call me dad?" He asks looking up. "A-am I not allowed to?" She ask looking sad. "NO! it's ok!" I say and she looks up at me. "Yeah it's ok kid.. come here." He sits up and pulls her into his lap. "You can call me Dad, Shota, Aizawa, whatever you want.." He says and I feel my heart melt. 

"Can I call you mom?" Eri asks me and I blush. "Yes please!" I cry and kiss her cheek. "Ok good! Mr. Deku said I was like your kid and that you're my mom and dad." She says and I smile wide. "Your our daughter, No matter what anyone says." Aizawa says and leans back on the couch. "Thats right." I say and pat her head. She leans and puts her head on Shota's chest and he closes his eyes. 

"You two taking a nap?" I ask and Eri closes her eyes. "Yes.." he say with a yawn. "Ok I'll join you.." I lean back and place my head on Shota's shoulder closing my eyes...

-Aizawa's POV-

We laid for 10 minutes in silence just resting before I heard the babies start crying. "Oh boy.." Misaki whispers and gets up. "Let me help." I say but she shakes her head. "You rest, Plus Eri's asleep just relax baby I got this one." She kisses my head before walking away. 

God I love her. She's so fucking amazing, and I'm the one who gets to love her. Marry her. Love her. She's doing so well with the kids and she's been doing a lot with them. She was only gone for a moment till she came back out with both of them. "You wanna play in you play pen?" She whispers and put Shoya down on his belly so he could play around in the pen. '

"What about you Masaki? Wanna go with your brother?" She whispers and tried to put Masaki down but as she did Masaki started crying. "Oh ok thats fine I don't mind holding you." She says with yawn. "Come on lets lie down.." She walks back to the couch sitting down and laying Masaki on her chest. 

She yawns and closes her eyes as Masaki laughs playing with her hair. "Your cute..." Misaki says holding up Masaki. "Mmm this is so nice.." She places her head on my shoulder as I pretend to sleep but I was just listening to her talk. "My own little family..." She hums and I smirk a little. Our own little family... 

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now