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"Hello?" Mom, Dad, Eri and Bakugo come walking into the room me and Shota we're in. We got moved back to the room we were waiting in before the birth and just relaxing. "Hey guys!" I wave at them sitting in the bed. "Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Dad asks kissing my forehead. "I'm ok, just tired." I say and he smiles. 

"oh my gosh look at them!" Mom quietly squeals seeing the babies laying in there little carriages. "Oh wow!" Eri stands on her tip toes to see them. "Do we have names yet?" Dad asks and I nod. "Shoya and Masaki Aizawa." I say with a smile. "Can we hold them?" Katsuki asks and I nod. "Of course." I say and he instantly picks up Shoya. "Hehe he's cool." He says with a pound smile. 

"look at this little cutie Masaru!" Mom says showing Masaki to dad. "Can I hold one?" Eri ask and I nod. "Come here kid." Aizawa picks her up and places her on the bed next to me. Mom hands Shota Masaki to him and he helps Eri hold her. "She's so tiny..." Eri says with a smile. "Mhm..." I hum and pat her head. 

"So how long are you here for?" Katsuki asks and I look at Shota, I was sleeping when the nurses came in to tell me when I can leave. "Actually we're supposed to leave tonight. Early birth so we have to be out in like an hour." Shota says and I nod. "Well thats wonderful dear. Are you ready to go home?" Mom asks and I shrug. "Kinda but I'm a little nervous brining them home. I'm fully responsible for them there..." I say biting my nails.

"Stop biting your nails." Shota reminds me and I pull my thumb from my mouth. "You'll be ok! Have you tried feeding them yet?" Mom asks and I shake my head. "The nurse said I'd be fine to do it at home and I mean how hard can it be?" I ask and my parents exchange a glance. 

"Don't underestimate it sweetie, it's harder than it looks I mean Katsuki didn't eat." Mom says. "Mhm, He just wouldn't. Boob, bottle, nothing! We had to wait till he was starving till he would finally eat! Stubborn headed from birth." Dad says patting Katsuki's head. "Tch don't touch me." Katsuki says and Dad chuckles. "See?" He says and I chuckle. 

"Well I mean I guess I'll just do what I have to do?" I say looking at Shoyo who Katsuki was still holding. "You like the babies don't you.." I say to him and he blushes a little. "Whatever.." he mumbles making me chuckle. Shota's phone rings and I he looks at it. "Excuse me." He stands up and walks away. 

"So are you guys moving dorms or something? You only have 2 rooms right?" Mom asks and I nod. "Yeah but not for a few months. They have a 4 bedroom dorm but we're waiting for a little while. The babies will sleep in our room till we move then at the new place they'll share a room till they are older than we'll have an extra room so they don't have to share." I say. 

"But why? They're twins just let them share a room." Katsuki says looking at Shoyo. "Well I mean if they were both girls or boys thats one thing but I mean would you me sleeping in the same room as you now?" I ask him and he thinks. "Yeah true..." He says and I nod. "We're coming home in a little while you can come see them then..." Shota looked annoyed as he walked back into the room. 

"What are you talking about I don't love you." He says and I laugh, he must be talking to Hizashi. "I will come get you two when I get back." Shota hangs up the phone. "How are your first kids?" I ask and he sighs. "Needy and annoying." he says with a groan. "We should get going." He says and I nod. "Did you bring the-" "Yup." Shota grabs the two baby carriages we bought a few weeks ago. "Wonderful!" 

Shota packs the twins up and I try to stand but I was so fucking sore. "Ow fucking hell.." I mumble under my breath. Moving was hard, I was sore as all hell even just getting changed back into normal clothes hurt like a bitch walkings gonna be an ass. "Don't you get a wheel chair?" Mom asks and I shake my head. "I'll be ok just a little sore." I say and help Eri out of the bed. 

"You just had 2 kids though, maybe you should get one." Dad says and I shake my head. "I'm just walking to the car then into the house I'll be fine." I shuffle over and hug mom then Dad. "You guys going home?" I ask walking over to Shota. "Yeah, but call us if you need anything! And I want to see them soon ok?" Mom says and I nod. 

"Of course! Katsuki you riding with us or mom?" Me and Shota recently got a bigger car. I had been saving money for a while and Shota had enough that we pooled it together and bought a car with 3 rows. "I'll go with you guys." He says and I nod. We all makes our way out to the parking lot and Shota pulls around our car as mom and dad leave. 

Me, Eri and Katsuki waited for Shota in the front with the babies. "So when you coming back to school?" Katsuki asks staring ahead. "Well I'm gonna be out for a little while longer to watch the babies, then I'll hire a sitter, or maybe just pay Mirio, so he can watch the babies."  I say and he hums. "Can i..." He starts talking but stops so I look at them. "Can I watch them some day..." He asks and I smile. 

"Of course, Imma need you help little brother! Your my right hand man." I say and he smirks at me. "Whatever, I just need to let them know I'm the best fucking uncle." He says and I chuckle. Shota pulls the car around and everyone gets in. We put the babies in the car seats and then drive back to the dorms. Katsuki left and went back to his dorms while we all went home. 

Shota finished setting up the small cribs we got for the babies. He started them a while ago but never finished now he was just doing the final touches. Once he was done it was already 8:45 so I put Eri to bed and took the babies into the room. "Oh boy! First night! Wanna try eating?" I ask speaking to the babies. 

"Look at them..." I smile at the babies on out bed, they were so small! I had put them into there little onesies. After getting a good look at them it looks like the twins are a like carbon copies of me and Shota. Shoya has blond hair and red eyes like me while his sister Masaki has gorgeous grey eyes and black hair like Shota. 

"Do I put one on each or one at a time?" I think out loud and Shota laughs. "Try feeding Shoya first I'll play with Masaki to keep her occupied." Sho says and I nod. He grab Masaki while I grab Shoya and remove my shirt. "Ok ok.. Lets see do you know how to- OH! Ok you got it." I was trying to figure out how to feed Shoya but he figured it out quickly and latched on. 

"Wow thats weird.." I mumble as Shoya eats, He was hungry and fucking ate quickly. Once he was finished I burped him and traded babies with Shota. "Ok my baby girl, if your brother got it I bet you can do it." I say and adjust her. I try to get her to latch on but she doesn't. "Aw come on baby don't be stubborn, I know you're hungry!" I say and Shota chuckles. 

"Come on you got it!" I say and she finally latches on and starts eating. "Ugh good your not that stubborn..." I say and Shota laughs. Once Masaki is finished I burp her and we put them down in their cribs. "I'm happy you're here my beautiful babies..." I say watching as they look around and up at us. "I love them.." Shota says pulling me into a hug. "Thank you." He kisses my forehead making me laugh. 

"Thank you fuck buddy." I lean up and kiss him. "Anytime fuck buddy. Come on lets go to bed I bet your fucking exhausted." He says and I nod. "Very, You're taking the day off again tomorrow right?" I ask and he nods. "Goodie, I want to spend time with you and Eri too. Make sure we pay attention to Eri a lot I don't want her to feel left out or like she's not part of this family. She's my baby to I want her to know that." I say and he nods. 

"She knows but I understand what you mean. Come here baby I can finally hold you without being scared of hurting you." He says gently grabbing my body pulling it into his. "Haha I know finally.." I put my head on his chest. "Are you still sore?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah but the doctor said most of the pain she go away by the end of the week. And you know what else she said?" I ask and he hums. 

"Whats that kitty?" He asks with a yawn. "In a about 2 months... depending on how I'm feeling. We can really be fuck buddies again.." I whisper bitting my lip. "Oh is that so?" he says with a smirk and I nod. "It is..." He kisses my forehead and I smile. "I can't wait..." He says and turns off the table lamp. "Till then I'm very happy with this..." He says and we let our muscles relax. This is so lovely.. Having my whole family here was the best thing ever... 

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now