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It's been a few days since I found out I was pregnant. The students were working hard on their festival performance. Turns out they're doing a song and dance, Katsuki's playing the drums and I was so excited to see their performance! Now was last period before it was time to go home and Aizawa and me were just talking. 

"OK everyone. The festival is tomorrow. Be ready to go onto the stage at 10 thats your time ok?" Aizawa says and they all nod. "We're both super excited to see your performance!" I say and Aizawa grunts. "Just don't show up too much." He grumbles and they all chuckle. "Oh don't listen to him he's just and grump- Mhp!" I feel my stomach flip and I gag cutting myself off from my sentence. "Ms. Bakugo? Are you ok?" Mina asks and I cover my mouth. 

"G-gotta go!" I run out of the room and to the nearest bathroom. I run in a stall and throw up. "Oh fuck..." I groan and throw up again. "Saki, Are you ok?" Aizawa, Katsuki and Kirishima come walking into the bathroom. "W-what are you doing in here it's the ladies roo- BLAGH" I throw up again and feel the hair being pulled from my face. "No this is the boys room but whatever idiot, Whats wrong with you?" Katsuki asks rubbing my back. 

"Aww you so sweet caring about you sister bro super manly. You too Aizawa holding her hair back super sweet!" Kiri says and I throw up again. "Ugh..." I groan and lean my head on the toilet seat. "Fuck my life..." I grumble and Aizawa brush the back of his hand over my cheek. "Are you ok?" He asks and I spit into the toilet. "I-i'm ok..." I flush the toilet and get up. 

The boys let me go and I walk to the skin and wash my face. "Ugh I'm like super nauseous.." I groan and dry my face. "Good thing school is over." Aizawa says and I nod. "What wrong with you?" Katsuki asks again and I look down. "I t-think I just ate something bad. Probably sick." I say and he nods. "well idiot thats what you get for being a shit cook." Katsuki says with a smirk. 

"Shut up asshole. Are you coming to dinner tonight? I ask Katsuki and he rolls his eyes. "I'm being forced to." he groans and I slap his shoulder. "Just go it means a-lot to mom." I say and he nods. "I know idiot you're driving me there." he says and I nod. "be ready by 5. Now come on class is over go get ready." I say and push them all out of the bathroom. Me and Aizawa fall behind the boys and they talk ahead of us. 

"Your coming tonight right?" I ask and Aizawa nods. "I'll be there I have the address." He says and I nod. "Then tomorrow we have to tell Nezu I set up a meeting for first thing before the festival." Aizawa reminds me. "Yes ok perfect." I say with a sigh and feel nervous. Tonight I was telling my dad, and Katsuki I'm pregnant. Mom hasn't told anyone and she's finding out tonight I'm keeping it and I'm also telling them me and Shota are together, I just hope Katsuki's ok with it... Who am I kidding he's gonna blow up!

~Time skip to dinner~

"Yay! My babies are home!" Mom yells wrapping her arms around me and Katsuki as we enter the house. "Hi mama.." I breath out as she squeezes the air from my lung. "HAG GET OFF ME!" Katsuki yells and mom lets us go. "Come on come on! Your fathers waiting for us in the dining room dinner is about to start!" Mom say and drags us to the dinning room. 

"Misaki! Katsuki!" Dad greets us from the table and we all sit down. "Oh when'e the last time we had a family dinner?" Mom says happily handing us both plates of her spicy curry. "Last Christmas I believe" Dad says and I nod. "Yeah I came home for Christmas and we had a nice time!" I say and smell the delicious food. 

"Mmm I missed your food mom." I say taking a bite. "Defiantly considering you gave yourself food poising hahah." Katsuki says with a cocky laugh. "Food poising?" Dad asks and I hum awkwardly. "O-oh yeah about that..." I mumble and look at me. "I have g-guest joining us tonight!" I say and Mom looks at me. 

The door bell rings and my stomach flips. "T-there he is I'll get it!" I quickly stand up and rush to the door leaving my confused family. I open the door and Shota was there with his hair tied back, wearing a t-shirt and nice jeans. "Oh god I'm so nervous." I say and drag him inside. "It'll be ok... I think." He says and I shake my hands that we're full of nervous energy. 

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now