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"Where's Midoryia! He should be back by now!" Ilda chops through the air backstage of the show. "Ms.Bakugo will Mr.Deku be back?" Eri asks as I hold her. "Of course! He'll be back any second. Here hang out with Mr. Lemillion while ok? Me and Mr. Aizawa will be around make sure you enjoy the show sweetheart." I say and she nods. 

"Come on Eri! Let's go get good seats!" Mirio takes Eri off backstage and I see Katsuki talking to Kirishima. "I'll be right back then we can go to our seats." I whisper to Shota and he nods. I walk over to the boys with a smile. "Hey boys!" I say and they look at me. "Oh Hey Ms.bakugo! Whats up?" Kirishima asks and I smile. 

"Not much just came to give you guys some good luck! I'm sure it'll be great though!" I say and ruffles Katsuki's hair. "Of course it will be." Katsuki says with a smirk. "How was your meeting?" Katsuki asks and I shrug. "Basic but it went well!" I smile at him, I'm happy we're ok. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" Deku comes runs in fully dressed. "Misaki we should get going." Aizawa places a hand on my back and I feel. shudder go up my spine. 

"Um yeah let's go." I say and he smirks at me. "Good luck everyone! Have a nice show!" I wave at everyone before me and Aizawa walk out of the stage. As soon as we're out of there sights he intertwines his hand in mine. "So clingy today?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Sorry but I like holding my girlfriends hand in public now that we're open." He says with a slight smirk. "Mmm I like that boyfriend." I say and he pulls my waist into his body stopping us as we walk. 

"How'd I get so luck as to have a girlfriend as beautiful, kinda, sexy, and not annoying as you?" Shota asks cupping my cheek. "I won't be so beautiful and sexy when I'm 9 months pregnant." I say with a  sigh. "I don't know I feel like that'll make it better." He says leaning down. "We'll see about that." I say and kiss him. 

"Mhm.." he hums and we walk tot he back of the crowd. The show gets started just as we settle into out spots. I look out and see Katsuki with his mischievous smile on his face. "Get ready to get blown away UA!" Katsuki yells and looks up. "our set will kill you..." He starts drumming at the music starts up. "Oh wow!" I beam at the students as they all dance and sing and play. 

"HERO TOO I am a hero!" Jiro sings. "Oh my god she's got an amazing voice!" I squeal over to music and watch them in awe. There was special affects, Todoroki used his ice to make everything sparkle. Ururaka flew over the crowd making people float, Deku swung Aoyama around like he was a disco ball it was amazing! 

Eventually there show ended but everyone was cheering for them as they walked off stage. "Come on come on come on! I wanna go see them!" I drag Shota back to the stage and he chuckles behind me. We bust through back stage as everyone in the crowd leaves the room so they can clean up. "AHHH! You guys did so good!" I yell and everyone stares at me. 

"Ururaka! You did so well with your quirk floating all those people around! You too Aoyama! I'm so proud of all of you!" I say and they smile at me. "Did we really do good?" Deku asks and I nod. "Yes! It was amazing!" I squeal and Shota puts a hand on my shoulder. "You all did very well, I'm very impressed."Shota says and I nod. 

Eri and Togata come into the room. "Eri!" I run and pick her up spinning her around. "Didn't you like it?" I ask and put her down on the ground. "It was so amazing! At first I was scared because it was so loud, But then everyone started dancing around like hop hop. And then the light went like FLASH! And Mr.Deku disappeared, But then everything got cold like fwoosh!And then the light was shining around! And thats lady's voice was like WAAH and you know what I said? I said waaaah too!" Eri says to deku and I feel my heart soaring. 

"Eri your smiling!" I beam picking her up again. "Oh yeah I am!" She beams and I spin her around. "Ok thats enough spinning..." Aizawa says placing his hands on my shoulders to stop me. "Honestly dumbass you're really stupid." Katsuki says walking up to us. "Why isn't she allowed to spin ribbit?" Tsu asks. "Yes why isn't she?" Momo ask and I smile. 

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now