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"Who's ready to find out the gender!" Dr. River asks entering the room me and Shota waited in. "OH! Me me me! I really want to know!" I say happily making them both giggle. "Well good! Now you know the drill let's not dilly dally!" Dr. River gloves up and starts setting up while I lifted my shirt and leaned back in the chair bed thing. 

Shota grabs my hand and we smile at each other. "Ok! This may be a little cold..." Dr. Rivers says and squeezes the gel on my stomach and rubs it around a bit. She grabs the wand attached to the sonogram machine and starts looking around. "Ohhh boy.." She says looking at the screen. "Is something wrong?" Shota asks and she smiles. "Well depends how you feel about this..." She says happily and puts the wand down. "You see here... Thats two fetuses.." She says and I stare at the screen out lining the two blobs. 

"Yes..." I say and she smiles. "Thats two babies. You're having twins! Best of both worlds actually a girl and a boy!" Dr. River says and I gasp. "oh my god..." I look at Shota with a smile and he stares in awe in at screen. "Congratulations you two!" Dr. river says and I smiles wider. "Shota?" I ask and the corner of his lips twitch into a smile. "3... Yeah I like that 3. 2 girls and a boy.." Shota says and I nod. 

"No twins not triplets ahah.." Dr. River says and I giggle. "Oh sorry yeah um recently actually before we found out we were pregnant we saved a little girl from villain group and we've been watching over her ever since and we kinda consider her a daughter to us." I say and Dr. River gushes. 

"Thats so wonderful! Well I'm so happy for you too!" She says handing me a towel. "Thank you!" I starts cleaning my stomach off and Shota grabs my face. "I love you so much." He smashes his lips into my engulfing me in a kiss. I kiss him back passionately feeling all the love he was trying to convey through it. He pulls away and I giggle as he kiss my forehead. "I love you too..." I say kissing him once more. 

"Well the pictures for you tow have been printed out up front! I'll see you in a months!" Dr. River walks us out to the front waving us good bye. We grab the pictures  and make our way outside. "Oh my god! I can't believe we're having twins!" I say happily as we get in the car. "I know it is very exciting." Shota says making me giggle. "Come on we have to pick up Katsuki and Kirishima and then we're going to my parents for dinner." I say with a yawn. 

"Are you sure you're up for dinner tonight kitty? Also why is Kirishima coming tonight?" Shota asks and I smile but shrug. "I don't know Katsuki asked to invite him. Also I'm ok I'm alway tried baby." I say and he sighs. "Stop stealing my brand, if I don't have my sleepiness I have nothing." I laugh at his statement, he's pretty serious most of the time but he's actually pretty funny I love his sense of humor. 

"I could never look as tired as you don't worry about that." We giggle and drive to the dorms. We pick up the boys then drive to Mom and Dad's house. "Aizawa you're coming to diner?" Kirishima asks as we walk to the front door. "Yeah." Aizawa says simply. "Cool! You're like a part of their family!" Kiri says and he chuckles. "Gross." Katsuki says, I slap the back of his head. "Shut up shit head, he's a part of this family whether you like it or not." I say and he grunts. 

"He's your baby daddy. Not part of the family." Katsuki's ays and slap him again. "You stupid shit, he's my boyfriend be nice to him. I don't care how you feel about him as your teacher he's my boyfriend I except you to be somewhat fucking polite." I say and he smirks at me indicating he's just joking around but I still roll my eyes. 

"Come on let's just go to dinner." I say and he laughs. "We're home!" I yell out as we step inside. "Oh good!" mom and dad come and greet us at the door. "Oh who's this?" Dad see's Kirishima. "Nice to meet you sir! I'm Ejiro Kirishima! kat- Bakugo invited me to dinner tonight I hope you don't mind!" Kirishima was like a ray of sunshine there's no possible way to hate him he's just so cute and happy!

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now