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"Come on Shota!" I drag Shota inside the doctors office. Today was my first doctors appointment and I was so excited! We were both really excited right now even though Aizawa isn't as vocal as me. This was amazing I can't wait to see our baby for the first time! 

We walk inside and I walk up to the front desk. "Hello my name is Misaki Bakugo and I'm here for my sonogram?" I ask the man in the front. "Oh! yes of course Ms. Bakugo, please follow me Dr. River is waiting for you in the room!" He says and Shota grabs my hand. We the nurse to the room where like he said our doctor was waiting for us. 

"Hello there!" Dr. River sings from her small swivel stool. "Hi Dr.River, it's nice to meet you!" I shake her hand and she smiles. "You as well Ms. Bakugo! And you must be the father?" Dr. River ask turning to Shota. "Oh yes I'm Shota Aizawa." Shota shakes her hand with a small nervous smile. 

"Well lovely to meet you both! This is you first correct?" She asks bringing us more into the room. "Yeah! This is our first. On both sides no other kids." I say and she nods. "Wonderful! This is gonna be great! Now Ms. Bakugo if you'd just come lay here and Mr. Aizawa please just sit or stand next to her!" Dr. River was so happy and professional she was making this experience much easier. 

Me and Shota get situated while Dr. River sets up everything. "Ok just lift up your shirt and we'll get this started!" I lift my shirt and she doesn't warn me just squirts a cold Gel on my stomach and rubs it around. "Oh sorry I'm in such in a rush dear my daughter called me from school she need me to pick her up and you're my last appointment I apologize." Dr. River realizes she was moving quickly but I smile. 

"It's no problem! Whatever get you out of here the fastest." I say and she smiles at me. "Thank you so much." she says with a sigh and a smile. "OK let me take a lookie here!" She puts a wand on my stomach and starts swirling it around looking at the screen with the image of... my uterus I guess, on the screen. "Your 28 right?" She asks and I nod. "Thats a perfect age to be having a baby. You're both looking perfectly healthy!" She says and smile. 

"Good!" I say looking at Shota who was staring at the screen with a small smile. "You see it?" She asks looking at me. "Umm..." I stare at the screen searching the black and white screen trying to find anything. "It's ok if you don't,  You see right here?" She outlines a little peanut shaped blob. "Oh! is that it?" I ask and she nods. "Yup! Thats it, you're 2 and a half months pregnant and everything looks amazing!" she says and pulls the wand away from my stomach. 

"Here you can whip off the gel! I'm printing out two pictures for you guys and you can pick them up at the front desk! Sorry again I'm in such a rush I'll make sure I'm prepared next time I'm truly sorry!" She says and I smile whipping the Gel from my stomach. "It's really no problem! Thank you again go a head and get your daughter." I say and she bows then runs out of the room. 

"One second let me just finish cleaning up then we can go to lunch!" I say and Shota nods. "Well that went well!" I say with a happy smile. "Yeah that was great." Shota says rubbing my back. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket a million times and I sigh. "Hey can you see who's texting me?" I ask and wiggling my butt so he can grab my phone, he chuckles and grabs it from my back pocket. 

"It's Bakugo." He says and opens my phone. "What's he saying? He never texts me." I mumble fixing my out. "It says... Shitty hair is "Rainbow flag"!  Just came out to me and squad. I think I'm dying help help help." Aizawa reads out loud and I gasp. "What the fuck is rainbow flag..." He mumbles and I chuckles. "It's the gay pride flag you old fart." I say and he oooh's. 

"I know that I just forgot..." He mumbles embarrassed. "Oh my god! Thats amazing!" I say and grab my phone. "Come on I'll call him on the way back! Let's get our pictures." I say and and drag him by the hand out of the office. We run to the front grab our pictures then run to the car. I call Katsuki and put him on speaker. "Saki, saki, saki, I think I'm having like heart palpitations or something. My body feels jittery and I can't stand still." Katsuki answers the phone and starts rambling. 

"Ok ok just calm down, take a breath, tell me what happened." I say and he takes a breath. "We were playing video games in my room and shitty hair looses the match of mortal kobat to me and we stop playing for a bit. Then we were just like talking and he looks at me dead in my eyes and was like I'm gay. All the idiots congratulated him but he just smiled at me like an idiot and I had to get up and leave the room I'm in the bathroom right now." He says and I chuckle.

"Well thats a good sigh isn't it? Why don't you ask him out?" I ask and Shota looks over at me. "Bakugo and Kirishima?" He mouths and I nod. "hmmmm Bakugo you should ask him out." Shota says and I bust out laughing. "WHY AM I ON SPEAKER MISAKI YOU IDIOT!" Katsuki yells and I sigh. "Listen Kats. I think you should just wait till you two are alone maybe tonight. Maybe take him for a nice walk, butter him up a little then BAM you tell him you like him!" I say and he grunts. 

"I-i can't just say that!  I mean like-" "Why not? Just tell him." I say and he grunts again. "But what if he... doesn't like me... you know back." He trails off and I smile. "What are you a pussy?" I ask him and I hear him grunt loudly. "FUCK YOU I'M NO PUSSY! I just don't think he'll...like me back?" He thinks out loud, the only way he'll do it is if he just does it. "I don't know you sound kinda like a pussy to me." I say and get no response. 

"When I first kissed Shota I just did it. Looks like I'm more "Manly" Than you as Kirishima would say." I say with a cockiness in my voice. "S-shut up! I can fucking do it! I bet 20 dollars I can do it by 10 tonight!" He yells through the phone and I try to hold back my happy squeal. "Alright 20 bucks you do it before 10 tonight you little shit. Good luck hahahah!" I hang up the phone making me and Shota laugh. 

"I didn't know Bakugo was gay." Shota says and I nod. "I don't think he did either till he met Kirishima. Or he did he just didn't aknoledge it. I think they'll be cute together." I say and Shota nods. "They are a good match. Even better than Midoryia and Ururaka." He says making me laugh. "Did you know that Shinso, Kaminari, and Jiro are in like a whole love triangle thing?" I ask and he nods. 

"Unfortunately yes. You know I train Shinso after school for a while now and he's been coming to  with a lot of problems and apparently he likes Kaminari but Kaminari likes him AND Jiro. I don't understand children..." He mumbles making me laugh. "I know it wasn't this hard when I was in high school." I say and he looks at me quickly. 

"You went to UA right?" He asks and I nod. "Yep. You were my upperclassmen. I remember you." I admit and he smirks. "Really?" He asks and I nod. "I had a little crush on you too. Well not so much a crush but a mild interest in you." I say and he chuckles. "How'd you even know who I was?" He asks and I fake laugh. "You were friends with the sexiest girl in school and the loudest blond boy ever. Everyone knew you." I say and he sighs with a chuckle. 

"Thats true I suppose. I'm surprised  I didn't ever run into you." He says and I shrug. "I kept to myself a lot. I mean not to toot my own horn BUT I was pretty intentionally popular amongst the 1st years." I say and he chuckles. "Really?" He asks and I nod. "I won all three Years of my sports festivals. And I was top of my class." I say and he hums.

"Oh really? Then why were you never asked to join an agency in Japan?" He asks and I sigh. "I had an issue at my first work study. My boss... like trie to sleep with me and when I denied him and threaten to report him for grouping my... you know what. He spread all these rumors that I was begging to fuck him and that I'd do anything to climb the social ladder or whatever. I was ruined after that nobody would hire me and all my teachers tried to clear my name but it was really no use. I got noticed by a hero in America though and well I wasn't getting any work here and I was willing to leave so I packed up and left." I explain and he grunts. 

"Thats gross. Some heroes really don't deserve the status they have..." he mumbles and I chuckle. "Oh well I'm back now and even though I don't have an agency I have a job and a good track record after my work in America so the past is past." I say and chuckles. "Well I don't know who that hero who did that was but if we ever see him in public and you point him out I'll beat him up for you." He says with a smirk. 

"Thanks you my big strong man!" I say with dramatics and he chuckles. "Anything for you love." He says and grabs my hand. God this is amazing, I really do love him so fucking much

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Where stories live. Discover now