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-Aizawa's POV-

Me and Eri woke up early and got in the car tot pick up Misaki. Right when I pulled up to her parents house she came walking outside. "Hi Sho..." She seemed tired still and looked like she just woke up. "How are you feeling today?" I ask as she gets in the car. "I'm ok, thank you for letting me rest." She had huge bags under her eyes and she was pale. "You still look tired maybe you should just take the day off. I'll be ok at school with you you." I say and she shakes her head. 

"no I'm fine I just wanna take a shower and go." She says putting a hand on her stomach. "You're pushing yourself Misaki. You passed out last night with a bad fever. Making yourself sick just to do your job isn't gonna help." I say and she sighs. "I'm fine I just need to prioritize my schedule more." She says looking out the window. 

"No you need to prioritize yourself. You're pregnant, with twins. You need to start resting more. Didn't Dr.Rivers say yesterday that by 7 months with twins you should be taking maternity leave? Thats only 3 weeks away start taking a step back." I say and she looks at me. "I'm not going on maternity leave." She says and I look at her. "Yes you are." I say and she scoffs. 

"No I'm not. I don't want you so I'm not. What would I even do with myself, lay around all day and do nothing?" We pull in school and I park. "Yes that's the point of maternity leave." I say but she doesn't respond, she gets out of the car and grabs Eri from the back taking her inside. "Misaki listen to me!" I follow her out of the car and inside where Mirio was already waiting to watch her for us. 

"I'm taking a shower." She says walking into the bathroom. "We're talking when you get out!" I yell through the door but the water starts running and I know she's not listening. "Everything ok Mr. Aizawa?" Mirio asks from the couch. "hmm? Yes sorry for that. Thanks for watching her." I say walking over to him. "It's no problem! I love hanging out wit little Eri, plus it's not lie I have anything else to do." He says sounding sad. 

"Well we're working on that. Once we get her quirk working we can help you get your quirk, we've been training and she's learning fast." I say and Mirio nods. "Yeah I know, it's all good! Thanks Aizawa!" Mirio says and starts playing with Eri. Once Misaki was done showering she changed into some clean clothes. I sat in the room trying to talk to her. "Just listen to me please! You're gonna kill yourself working!" I say sitting on the edge of the bed as she pulls on leggings. 

"I fucking hate that I can't wear my hero costume. These clothes are so fucking ugly." She says ignoring my statement. "I'm going to the school, When you stop being a dumbass I'd say you join me." She says leaving the room.  I roll my eyes and follow her out still trying to talk to her. I pester her the entire way to the school but she just ignores me. "Misaki you need to rest! You passed out yesterday, and you still have a fever!" I feel her head as we walk into the classroom.

"Shota I didn't ask for your opinion. Shut up and teach the day class." She says slapping my hand away. "Go. Home." I say and she stares at me. "Who are you to tell me what to do." She says crossing her arms. "Your boss. Go home." I say and she squints at me. "Suck my dick." She walks to my desk and sits down. "Why are you so stubborn?" I ask annoyed and she stares at me. 

"I'm a Bakugo. It's what we do dumbass." She says and I grunt. "No your just stubborn. Go Home." I say and she shakes her head. "Don't tell me what to do." She says and pulls out her phone to ignore me. "Maybe you should just go home Ms. Bakugo. Last night you were really sick..." Kirishima says worried, I almost forgot all the students were watching us. 

"I'm fine." She says and doesn't look up from her phone. "Misaki I thin you should go home you passed out last night." Bakugo chimes in. "Katsuki I didn't ask for a play by play I was fucking there. I'm fine." She says and I go behind the chair and start rolling her out. "What the fuck! Shota stop!" She yells back at me. "Hizashi." Hizashi was passing in the hall as I pushed her out. 

"Woah what's up?" He stops and looks at Misaki who stood up from the chair. "Take her to my dorm please. Tell Mirio she's on lock down." I say and Misaki looked PISSED. "Shota I swear to go I'll kick your ass." She says glaring up at me. "You go it Sho! Come on Misaki!" Hizashi says and she doesn't move. "You really get on my fucking nerves..." She mumbles and walks away. I sigh once she leaves and pinch the bridge of my nose, I hope the next 2 and a half months aren't like this. 

"Are you ok Mr. Aizawa?" Ururaka ask and I nod. "Go get changed we're training with All might today." I say and they all stand up. I don't care Misaki can be as mad at me as she wants just as long as she's resting. "Aizawa." Bakugo was standing behind me as the rest of the students lefts to get changed. "Yes Bakugo?" I turn around and look at him. "I know... We can be stubborn a lot. Misaki was right it's a family thing." Bakugo says looking away. 

"But I just... You have to remember that Misaki was alone for 10 years in America, with no Family, Boyfriend, or really friends. She doesn't like people and wasn't very open to making friends so she was just out there alone for the most part. Always working too, with nothing and no one to go home to she just worked and patrolled all day and night for years. I don't really think she's used to being around all these people all day and also letting people wanting to take care of her. She's always taken care of herself and I don't think she knows how to let people take care of her." Bakugo says looking away, he was right though. 

I didn't really think about it like that, she has been alone for years, and she's stubborn on top of it so that doesn't help. "Your right Bakugo." I say and he looks at me. "Yeah no shit. I mean you didn't do... anything wrong per say. She knows your right but she'll never admit that you just need to make her do that right stuff." Bakugo says and I nod. "Yeah. Thanks Bakugo that was helpful." I say and she 'Tch" at me. "Whatever." he leaves the room and I smile. He may be stubborn but he's a good kid... 

-Misaki's POV-

I was pissed with Shota. I wanted punch him in he smug fucking face! Me, Eri, and Mirio sat in the living room watching some random show while Eri was drawing. "Kitty?" Shota comes walking into the living room and I frown at him. "What." I ask annoyed and he walks over to me. "Come on." he grabs my hand pulling me up and I huff. 

"I don't wanna talk to you shit head." I say but he drags me to the bedroom. He walks me to the bed and closes the door so Eri and Mirio can't hear us. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. "Misaki." He holds my hand and kisses it. "I'm sorry." He says and I was a little shocked, definitely not what I was excepting. "I worry about you. And they babies. I just want you guys to be healthy and safe." He says and I just stare at him. 

"I don't want you to be upset with me it'll only make it worse." He says and I look down. I feel kinda like an asshole now, he was just trying to help me. "You don't have to go on maternity leave. I was thinking about it and I mean you'll only be in the school. I'd rather be with you all day anyway." He says and I stay silent. "I love you." He says and I look up. "I love you too..." I mumble and he looks at me.

"I'm sorry for being stubborn. I know your just help me baby..." I cup his cheek and he nods. "I promise to try and take it easy. I'm going on my third trimester in a few weeks I promise to relax." I say and he smiles. "Thank you." He pulls me into a kiss and I smirk into the kiss. He places a hand on my hip pulling me to him deepening the kiss. 

But as we were kissing I felt a bump in my stomach. He pulls away from me and looks down at my stomach. "Was that-" There was another bump on my stomach. "I think one of them is kicking!" I say putting a hand on my stomach. "Oh my god! Sho feel!" I grab putting his hand on my stomach. "Oh wow..." he mumbles and I laugh. "They're like wrestling in there!" I say with a laugh. 

We look at each other and smile. "I'm happy your my fuck buddy." I say and he closes his eyes with a small chuckle. "I'm happy you my fuck buddy too." He says and kisses me lightly. The babies start kissing more as we kiss and he pulls away. "I don't think they like when we kiss." I say with a giggle. "Too fucking bad. I claimed this body long before they came along." He growls and kisses my neck. I let out a breathy laugh as he kisses me. "Mmm~" I moan a little and he chuckles 

"Come on I'll make you some food kitty." He says standing up. "Wha-" "What did you think something was gonna happen? Jeez Kitty you're a little naughty." He says and walks out of the room. "AW Fuck you!" I yell and he laughs at me. 

Pregnant with Aizawa X OC (Bakugo's Older sister)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora