I Hate You

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I slumped back into Hannibal's black, leather chair and looked up at the ceiling.
"Is Jack still bothering you?" The doctor questioned me as he walked into my view. I noticed he was holding his notepad and pen, but his notepad wasn't open.
"Don't act like your life is so interesting. Oh god, it would've been a lot more interesting if You didn't intervene.... doctor" I responded to him instead, giving him an answer and also slightly ranting at him.
"I am pleased I was there, however" Hannibal replied to me, in a confident tone. Hannibal walked out of my view and I sat up properly, facing Hannibal who sat himself down. He crossed his legs and unbuttoned his blazer, as he looked right over at me.
"Kolnas. That's a topic to talk about. Kolnas" I cheered out, breaking the momentary silence.
"What do you plan on doing?" Hannibal asked me. I smirked and looked out the window.
"I know that he gets a private room with some girls at the lucky club. I'm sure he won't want any guards to be there..." I teased. Hannibal tilted his head at me, so I stood up and walked over to him. I sat down on his lap and put my hand under his chin, fixating his head to face me.
"Two guards he'd have waiting outside for him, max. We just go in... deal with them... then Kolnas" I whispered to him.
"Then what do you plan on doing..?" He whispered back to me.
"We gotta be quick, that's for sure. We need Grutas' location and I want to know... why was Erika sent after me" I informed Hannibal, trying to stay quiet. Hannibal pulled a slightly confused look and I leaned closer in, bucking my hips towards him.
"The girl in the alleyway. She used to be my best friend, and she was the one sent after me, someone personal to me. I wanna know who else they have under their sleeve" I told Hannibal.
"Okay. When?" He asked me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and putting his hand on my cheek, stroking my face with his thumb. He had rough palms but it felt so good.
"Tomorrow night" I answered him. He glanced me up and down and slowly slithered his hand around my throat, pulling me close to his face. I made a slight noise and it seemed he liked it, as a smile appeared from the corner of his mouth.
"and why not tonight" he said in a very, very quiet tone.
"Because I need to prep... A miracle can't happen over night" I reminded him. He glanced out his window for a second and it was only just starting to get dark, with street lights coming on. I took his Hand off my throat and I got off his lap, before the tension could rise even more.
"How have you been enjoying your birthday?" He asked me. I scoffed and leaned on his desk, watching him approach me slowly.
"You were the only one who remembered... and Abel Gideon was being so weird with me, like he wanted me to see him again after a brief conversation" I exclaimed to Hannibal, staring down at the floor.
"Maybe he wants to get to know you better" Hannibal suggested to me.
"That's exactly my point" I looked back up at Hannibal and he had his two hands in his pockets, slanting his head at me.
"And Frederick. He was so strange..." I got some shivers and I stretched out my neck.
"Rough day, it seems" Hannibal mumbled to me.
"The worst, and I felt ill for a bit" I confessed to Hannibal. He let out a sigh as he stared down at me.
"Talk to me about it, I am your therapist" He reminded me, leaning on the desk beside me. I smirked and shook my head.
"It's not exactly professional anymore" I glanced over at him and he knew exactly what I was on about. He stared at me for a few moments then looked in front of himself.
"Do you regret it?" He asked me. I thought for a few moments before answering.
"My brain does, my heart doesn't" I replied to him, truthfully. He lightly chuckled and it made me smile.
"I mean... we were both drunk, maybe we should just put it in the Past or something" I shrugged my shoulders and checked the time on my phone.
"Maybe" Hannibal replied with, in an emotionless tone. Suddenly, I got a call come through on my phone and it was Jack.
"Oh look who it is" I groaned before answering.
"Hello?" I grumbled down the line.
"Grace. I wanted to apologise for today" Jack said to me. I bit the inside of my cheek, wondering if I should accept his apology or not.
"Why else did you call?" I asked Jack, in a sassy tone.
"It's about Oscar, he's coming back into yours, Wills and Hannibals care" Jack announced to me. I couldn't help but smile, I felt warm again and excited.
"When?" I asked, eagerly.
"In three days or so" Jack promised me. I dropped the call and I smiled to Hannibal, who was waiting for me to announce whatever Jack just told me.
"It's Oscar. He's coming back into our care soon" I bit my bottom lip to try and stop smiling but I couldn't. Hannibal smiled a little at me too.
"Oscar reminds you of Arthur, doesn't he? I do recall asking you that very same question in our first session but you didn't answer me" Hannibal asked me. I pushed myself off the desk and shrugged my shoulders at him.
"Nobody can replace Arthur, he was... just perfect in my eyes. I wish it was me that died and not him" I looked down at the floor and Hannibal suddenly wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him, as I was just thinking.
"Arthur doesn't have to deal with all the loss and grief that you feel now, he's at peace" Hannibal reminded me, in a soft tone. I just tightened my Grip around him because it was true. However, I can't show that I'm weak, even to Hannibal.
"I need Kolnas dead. I want them all dead. Especially Grutas" I pushed myself off Hannibal and he was looking down at me.
"Plan stays the same. Tomorrow night. I'll see you tomorrow" I hurried over to my coat and I put it over myself.
"But our session isn't over, Grace" Hannibal reminded me calmly as he slowly walked over, swinging his arms side to side.
"I've gotten a sudden phone call about an old friend, and I just have to go see if they're okay. Alright?" I said sarcastically to him, an excuse he can give Jack. Hannibal slightly smirked and put his hands in his pockets.
"See you tomorrow, doctor" I repeated myself as I opened up the door.
"Goodnight" he responded to me, as I shut the door.

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