OMG I FORGOT/ Other Random Stuff

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Um... Happy Chinese New Year!!!

I'm a bit late though.

Year of the sheep!

My zodiac symbol... 

I didn't have a very big celebration this year.

Um, anyways... this week I learned that I'm horrible with taming kids. I wasn't babysitting or anything, but I did have to monitor a bunch of first graders. It was awkward. Very awkward. And one kid actually came up to my BFF and gave her the Cheese Touch. And the Poop Touch. Yeah. Awkward.


Life is getting really busy. Ugh, there's just way too many things too handle. But today I get the day off school, so I'm lucky. 

We also got to make the masks again, so I got to lie down and try not to laugh as the people in my group talked about hilarious things.

Yeah. That's my life right now.

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