Rant/Ramble #2 - Having No Friends

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"Okay everyone, partner up!"

That is something any introverted soul would hate to hear.

This is the story of my late elementary school years.

On the first day of school, I was in a class where there were about 90% new students. It was my first year that my BFF and I were not in the same class. So, you might think: "Well, there are so many people who you can guide around the school and become friends with, right?"

Nope. That's not what happened. On the first day, I just sat next to this girl from my old class who I wasn't close friends with, but still talked to occasionally.

On the second day, I met this other girl, and we were becoming friends, so I sat with her friends for a week, after that, when we all switched to our permanent for-a-month tables, we never really talked. Yeah.

At this point, I was sitting with a bunch of girls who were best friends with each other. They never really talked to me. It was a kinda depressing time, I hated school. I barely got to talk to my actual friends, and I just sat like a quiet lump of dirt in my classroom. Normally, I LOVE school. But I was so lonely.

Things started to get better after I excepted the fact that I would never have a best friend, and I didn't let that stop me from having people to talk to. I was much happier after that. I still didn't have anyone to partner up with, but some of my old kind-of friends were really kind to let me in their group.

The moral of he story is: There are going to be some nice people. While you may not have a best friend, you don't have to be lonely. Even if that's what normally happens.

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