I should really stop...eh whatever

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If you guys don't already know, I have recently become obsessed with Boy Meets World. For some reason I only watch season five to seven. I guess when Cory was younger things were more boring. But I have just had late night marathons, and I think I watch it too much. 

I am starting to slightly act like Eric. That is probably not a good thing. I am slowly going crazy.

I have even filmed random scenes of Chloe and had made my own parody called "Dog Meets World". Hey, they made BMW and GMW, why not DMW?

It's Dog Meets World, it's Dog Meets World!

 I wanted to be Riley from Girl Meets World for Halloween so I told my friend she could be Topanga, and my other friend that she could be Maya. The problem is that they both don't even know who those people are :/

On a completely unrelated topic, in a few weeks I will be in seventh grade. That means that I will be the oldest in my school. That means that people will look up to me. HALP! It's too much pressure! I cannot be a role model for all of these young children! I used to be intimidated by the french-speaking  students. Now I am one, wow. 

I am just excited for school because it means that I'll have something to do all day.

But then, HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YEAR! Please, someone tell me about high school. I could use some tips to be prepared.

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