The Struggle #2: Glasses

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This is now a series where Iist the tiny inconveniences of life :3

1: You constantly have to clean the lenses. I don't need a large cloud blocking my vision, thank you.

2: It's impossible to wear them lying down. Unless you want really mishapen glasses.

3: If you wear them for too long, you get that dent in the bridge your nose that's really annoying. 

4: They get lost. Don't lie to yourself, everyone with glasses has lost them at least one time. But the worst part is, you can't look for your glasses if you can't see!

5: Everyone always randomly comments whenever you have to take them off. "Wow, you look so different without glasses!" I don't need you judging my life   TnT

Okay, I'm exaggerating a little there, but for those who do have glasses, just remember they're your greatest acessory.      

Eskie pic to the side, because why not?

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