dwelling means hurting

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Cheerful Ally (is it reaally Ally) here! The one you know! Time to introduce my new friend, Gloomy Ally! She dwells on sad and unimportant things that no one else in this world cares about! With thay being said, I am going to let her take over this chapter. This is a continuation of a few chapters ago.

Trying to find a wattpadder, I stupidly decided to read the chapter that sparked the whole "not a real part of the community" subject in the first place.  I kept reading all of those comments, realizing how close everyone had seemed to be. They cared about each other.  All of these heartfelt connections they had that I was just never close enough to anyone to make. I guess that's not what the internet is for, and I can't really trust anyone, can I?

I have recently been feeling kinda lonely since school hasn't started and my friends are either not in the city or not really talking to me. They don't even read my messages, and I know it's because I talk too much. I have spent most days with Chloe doing nothing but mindless activities such as watching T.V. I really don't have many people to just...talk to.  

I'm just wondering, where am I?  Was I ever really a part of anything?  

C.A. Is back! Isn't Gloomy such a downer? She's about to make me cri, but I DON'T FRUITCAKING CRY! Because my name is Cheerful. Well, Cheerful & Crazy with a capital K.  As I always say: "I'm not weird, I'm just unique." 

Remember, C&C Ally will always be here for you, message me or kik me (AllyTheCat100) if you ever has the problems. 

Remember to keep guessing mah name!  And say CC. Cause if you don't I will unleash Psychotic  Ally on you.

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