Embarrassing stories :3

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It all started in Gymnastics class. When I was four.

So, my gymnastics class always started with the instructors calling attendance, and when you were called, you'd have to do something, like a cartwheel.

Of course we were all young, and therefore could not do that. It was my first day, and curse my name, I was called first. They brought me up to this vault type thingy (it was a block of wood with a cushion on the top, not a vault, really, I think, idk, I wasn't in competitive gymnastics so I don't know the names of anything), and told me to do a "motorcycle".

What they call a motorcycle is how you end your cartwheels and dismounts from bars and beams. Basically, you stand with your knees close and slightly bent, with your arms out in front of you like a motorcycle. We were supposed to jump off the block thingy and then do that.

Of course, they didn't do an example. Or explain it. At all. Yeah. So I sat with my feet on either side of the block-thing and put my hands out and made this sound:

"Vroom, vroom!"

And everyone started to laugh.

I guess I was born to entertain (not).....

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