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I just realized how freaking much that is. Thank you. 

I'd like to thank everyone individually, but I might forget someone. So I won't mention any names, but you know who you guys are!

I've made so many online friends here, and they're just as amazing as any irl friend could be. Thank you to everyone who has been an active part of my time here. Constantly supporting me, always being there when I was lonely, you guys are seriously the best. 

Thanks to everyone who has read my books, you taught me to believe in my abilities. 

Thanks to everyone who is reading this book for bearing with me, even when I was particularly weird and annoying. 

I just want to know, how do you guys want me to celebrate? 

1) Self-Portrait 

2) New book - I'd like to hear your ideas!

3) Another contest - again I'd like some suggestions!

4) I can also make art of people's OCs'!

5) Other 

Thanks again!

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