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I just checked the number of votes I had

and it said 542

I know a lot of the votes came from this book, I'm really surprised you guys like it, and that's over 100 votes for my other books!

one problem

I don't know how to celebrate it

I already have QnA

and the thank you letter has been written

and Mya won the collab contest (not because she was the only entry)

so what's left?

I was thinking either a fanart contest or a cover making contest. I'll do both.

Fanart Contest

I know some of you are really good at drawing, so send me a link to a digital or real (pencil, paper) drawing including me (if you need a base, look at the cover of this book, it's my old MC skin) and I will pick a winner by December 19th. Send me your entries starting today!

Cover Making Contest

Cover making contest. Make a cover for any of my books and send it to me. If I really like it, I will replace the cover I already have. Deadlines are the same.

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