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Um, hey everyone!

If you have read my previous chapter, I kinda left. I lost interest in writing, and didn't want to continue.

But reading all of my books, I've realized that I should've thought a little bit harder before I made my decision. I'm back :3.

I'm not expecting to get a lot of reads or anything, most of the Mindcrack community is gone, unfortunately, and I'd understand if you guys are a little angry at me for leaving so suddenly. Also, I apologize for being agitated in the past few chapters, maybe I can start over? I understand if the answer is no.

I sound like an idiot :D

I know I wasn't even gone a year, I'm so fickle minded. I hope I don't leave again anytime soon, because I now know how much I love being a part of Wattpad. I've been holding in so many little stories to tell you guys, it has been so hard not being able to share funny and interesting experiences with people. This website has really shown me my personality, that behind my super shyness, I can talk for years.

So, I'll eventually update my other books, I might start today with Second Chances or Insanity, but I'll mainly post here. I'm actually kinda excited.

I'm so sorry guys! I don't even know if any of you are reading this xD

Goodbye! (for today) -AllyTheCat

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