Lest We Forget - DAY LATE ;-;

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This is a day late because of Wattpad's glitchyness. So last year when I posted a chapter similar to this, a lot of you had no idea what Remembrance Day is. It's basically Veteran's Day, but with a different name here in Canada. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same though...

May we all take some time today to remember those who risked their lives to serve our country(ies),  as they were truly the most amazing people I could ever think of. 

I've been reading  The Making of a Navy SEAL by Brandon Webb lately, and it tells of how he never gave up on his dreams and would do anything to get what he wanted. These people worked their hardest, and dedicated their lives to protect us and make sure we have a great life. But there are so many husbands, wives, sons, daughters, and friends who may never return. We have to thank them for their service by letting them know that they will never be forgotten. 

On a more upbeat note, no school today so yay! And a quick update on Chloe: she's still adorable! She celebrated her first birthday the day after mine, and now I'm sad that next year she'll be older than me and won't be the baby. 

POP QUIZ! Without looking at earlier chapters, who/what is Chloe? How are we related? 

Winner gets an virtual pop-tart. 

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