It snowed, it snowed

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So today, as the title implies, it snowed. It was magical. 

Just in case you don't know how seriously serious snow is for me, let me just tell you that here in Vancouver, every winter it rains. Just rain. Every day. RAIN. It rarely snows, maybe for one day every year, sometimes there's no snow at all. And we've only had shin-deep snow once in years. 

Everyone is my class was just silently working on a project when someone exclaimed: "Snow!"

Everyone turned to the window in awe. The ground was still bare, but there was a pretty good amount of downfall. We all begged to go outside, and my teacher argued that snow was just water. Luckily his favourite student mentioned that it was a Christmas miracle. 

The snow just melted on contact, it was almost like rain. Then it did start raining half an hour later :/

Do you guys get lots of snow?

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