The Epic Chase

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So yesterday I experienced the most traumatizing event of my life so far. Of course nothing really interesting ever happens in my life but still.

I was playing fetch will Chloe when another dog came over that she seemed to love. As the dog had to leave I put the leash back on Chloe and had to hold her back so she didn't run after him. 

*In the middle of the field where we were there is a long trail that leads to the road. Where Chloe and I were was about forty feet away from the trail.*

After the dog turned the corner and I couldn't see him anymore, I decided that it was okay to un-leash Chloe. I distracted her by giving her water, but after that...

...she ran.

Running after her, I tried calling her because normally she would follow me. But she kept sniffing the ground to find her new friend, and she continued down the trail. I kept running after her screaming her name, and yet she didn't stop. I knew that she would eventually stop but I was afraid that the dog was on the other side of the road. 

Chloe slowed down and stopped briefly at the edge of the sidewalk. I grabbed her and was so thankful that she didn't run across the road.

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