That moment of epic win

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Hello everyone, Happy Halloween if I didn't already post a chapter about that...

Warning: All this chapter contains is boasting about a not-so-spectacular achievement. Read at your own risk.

Anyways, today we were going to get our science tests back (we were learning about the structure of the earth and related things like earthquakes and volcanoes). Everyone was afraid of flunking, as my teacher just gave us three chapters in a textbook and told us to just study whatever we needed to. There was so much info that no one was really prepared.

I took a two-day trip so I missed a bit of study time! The day we did the tests, I ended up winging it, pulling every single bit of information about anything out of my brain and writing it down. The test included a few full sentence explanation questions, as well as some true or false questions, and labeling diagrams. All in French. The questions weren't that difficult but everyone's unpreparedness really contributed to their scores. 

I was so nervous when my teacher was giving the tests back, I was expecting something in the 60% range. One girl got 91%, and everyone applauded, as she did better than a lot of other people. 

















There were 47 questions, and I knew I got at least one of them wrong because I had been talking to my friend after the test who knew one of the answers. I ended up getting three of the eight true or false questions wrong.

I was so happy that I did a little mental dance. 

Also we have a Christmas band concert and there's a storm so I don't have to walk the dog and have more time to do my one homework assignment! Pretty content right now.

Question: What is your greatest achievement? 

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