Unimportant Rambling?

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*Warning: Extreme Complaining!* I'm sorry if I sound ungrateful or anything, I really do love this community. You guys might not really like this chapter at all. If you do not want to deal with me being an immature child, please just leave right now. I just want to be able to say what I want to. I am just feeling kinda sad right now. 

I feel like a bad Wattpader. I feel like I have no idea what's going on and I just sit back and do absolutely nothing but type random words on a page. I just feel...like I'm no longer a real part of the Mindcrack community. 

I've realized that the flaws that I have in real life just come back and hit me in the face online. My tendency to just stay back and watch is not helping me in anything. I don't know where I belong. I don't really feel like continuing this right now, I just feel like there is an imaginary weight on my shoulders.

Thank you for dealing with me. 

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