Just A Normal Conversation

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This is what happened today. Just some weird and immature shenanigans between me and my friends.

Me: Did the band teacher tell you about the concert?

"Friend": No, what concert?

BFF: He just thinks you guys are better, so he's bringing you, not us.

Me: Oh, um, I probably shouldn't have mentioned it then. Sorry!

"Friend": What concert?

Me: Nothing.

"Friend: Tell me!

Me: No. It's not a big deal.

"Friend": TELL MEEE!!!

Me: No.

"Friend": You have to tell me. 

Me: Why?

"Friend": Or else.

Me: Or else what?

"Friend": Or else I will do something awkward in front of the school. With you. TELL ME!

Me: I live in a free country! I don't have to do what you say!

"Friend": Awkward things!

Me: Like what?

"Friend": I will hug you against a wall with our faces close together.

Me: Um....Not telling you.

"Friend": Do you wanna kiss? *pulls me by the arm*

Me: No thank you. Please get away from me. *shoves*

"Friend": Okay, guess you didn't want a kiss. *pulls out Hershey's Kisses*

* * *

Yeah. that's my weird life.

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