36 \ Epistle @Ivashkov20

9 1 2



/a letter.

Can letters hurt anyone? 

The answer is yes. 

They can.

Anjali sends a bunch of letters to Tania. However, the letters are-- let's just say, not something a mortal should mess with.

Now this is enough a raise a few questions. 

1) Why use letters?

2) What is in those letters?

3) Who is Tania and Anjali?

Maybe the answer is in one of those letters...


603 Views, 113 Votes, 9 Chapters at time of review 4/7/21

Here is your review: 

Covers can be a very personal thing, some will love it while other's won't.  I think your cover is absolutely perfect.  The title is also very appealing.  The whole concept of the book is quite original and refreshing and the description is well done.

I love how you begin your book setting up the characters in the present time with an air of mystery in the the epistle she has received.  Your hint that Tina could possibly be otherworldly or magical adds to the mystery.  I was a bit confused by the similarity in the names of Tina and Tania.  In the Prologue, it begins with Tina having tea and receiving a letter addressed to Tania.  I'm thinking the letters don't belong to her and maybe this is part of the plot.

The story is beautifully told and described however there are some tweaks in the telling that could make it perfect. 

Some things you may want to correct are:

In the Prologue, "You know, after this is over...  not after this gets over.

She really looks up to me, and is my only connection left to the human world.

Rhea's execution takes place three days from now.  (remove the "in")

The Bulky man shivered. (forgot the "the")

In chapter 001 - I would say the crowd was diverse instead of population.  It just makes more sense.  

In chapter 003 - Wiping the corner of his lips with his uninjured hand.

In chapter 005 - Her hair was a mixture of lilac and yellow.

 In chapter 006 - Like a scaredy-cat, you took a shortcut.

I pointed out others with inline comments so they are simpler to correct although you have the extra job of deleting my comments.   As you can see by my comments, you have skipped many "a's" and "the's."

If you use a grammar checker like Grammarly, it can catch those little errors easily leaving you to concentrate on our lovely descriptions.  After all, they are the magic that makes a story interesting.  Your characters are enigmas and that is what makes your book different.  I'm sure as the story progresses we will find out more about them and we will know the good ones from the bad.  Leaving that up in the air for now is awesome!

I hope you continue your wonderful story.  With a bit of editing, I would highly recommend your book.

- Sugasluv

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