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♦ If you are seeking an honest book review, you have come to the right place. Don't be afraid to ask, I am not mean. 

♦ I am only accepting BTS-related books at this time.  No Y/N stories, please.

♦ Fill out the form in the next chapter to get a slot.

♦ Your book review will be published so if you don't want that then don't request one.

♦ If you have questions or would like something clarified, you can direct message me.

♦ Please do not request more than one of your books to give other's a chance.

♦ There is no payment for this but you can thank me and follow if you wish.  Having said that in adherence to Wattpad rules, I would appreciate feedback on one of my books.  I took the time to carefully read yours so I would welcome your comments and opinion on one of my books.

⭐ If you do this, your book will be reviewed ahead of the others.

♦ The slots available for this month are in the next chapter.

♦ I also have a contest where the contestants read each other's books and give comments.  It is a good way to get feedback on your book and appreciate other's works.  The judging is only based on your enjoyment of the book so it is an easy thing to do.  Also, there are no long wait times to see who the winners are.  They are announced on the first of the month.  The book is called Best BTS Books Awards.  Go check it out.

There are many ways to improve your writing

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There are many ways to improve your writing.  Some of these are:

 1. Write more.

2. Read more.

3. Get constructive criticism.  

4.  Edit your book!  Especially after someone pointed out your mistakes.

5.  Put your best effort out and you will get more reads.

6. Go back to the stories you think you've edited and read them again.  I catch so many mistakes in my own books when I go back after some time and read again.

7.  Update your book 2 -3 times per week, or at least once per week.

8.  Don't make your chapters super long.  You can edit and make it into 2 chapters. *More chapters = more votes*

As a new writer, these little things can help.  Also, planning out your story with an outline to give you a goal to write to is very helpful. Some stories I read sound like an outline to a better story.  I am guilty of this as well.  It's just that the ideas are not done cooking in your brain.

We get to the end of the story uninspired with a bland outcome.  When this happens leave your story for a while and go back to it.  It might feel like we should discard the story, but the magic actually happens when you edit.  Your mind will find clever connections that will lead to a more inspired path to the climax.  Add the little details that make the story interesting.  Drop hints foreshadowing the future without giving to much away.  Add texture to the setting, not just what your character feels but what your character sees.  Use all the senses to describe. Be aware that your characters have freedom and would not do things as you would.

Outlines can be tricky but they are just a loose path for your story.  Don't feel trapped by them.  As a novice, I write better when uninhibited by a planned outcome.  I've tried to follow an outline but it made me feel like I'm just retelling the story without spontaneity. Then I decided to look at it from a different perspective, not being tied to the outline but just using it as inspiration.  I hope this helps you on a path to be a better writer.  

I am not a great writer, but I can try to look at your work and see what I think is missing.  This is my gift to you.

Check out the Wattpad content categories. (link below) Try writing in a different genre than just fan-fiction or romance.

This is not affiliated with Wattpad.


A preface is written by the author about the book and is separate from the body of the book (the pages with Arabic numbers),

An introduction is written by the author about the subject of the book and is part of the body,

And a foreword isn't even written by the author! It's separate from the body and written by an expert in the field who adds credibility to the subject of the book.

This info can be found in: blog.reedsy.com  what-is-a-preface/

I noticed that many writers include a preface that includes a copywriter statement and a don't copy my work appeal.  "this is not necessary because your work is automatically protected under copyright law as soon you put it into a fixed format, like writing it down."    

Wattpad gives you several options that you can select before it lets you post your story.  

Check out the story, Guides for Writers, by howtousewattpad.

This reference even shows you how to report someone who copies your work.

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