The Extra Mile

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A BTS au in which Park Jimin and Min Yoongi are rival camp counselors.  The camp challenges have never been more intense, the pranks more overdone, and the sexual tension so apparent as the cabins battle each other to see who is most willing to go the extra mile.

  The camp challenges have never been more intense, the pranks more overdone, and the sexual tension so apparent as the cabins battle each other to see who is most willing to go the extra mile

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The Extra Mile by DaydreamAintReal

TITLE: 5/5 The title goes well with the story and is even explained in the description.

COVER: 5/5 An attractive cover with a nice font.  Nothing too overdone, I think it's just right.

DESCRIPTION: 10/10 The description is on point and worded nicely.

PLOT: 30/30 I love how you managed to make this comedic story also heartfelt and thirsty.  The tension was built up beautifully. 

DIALOGUE: 9/10 The dialogue is good and Yoongi's inner thoughts are expressed well to tug at your heart.

DICTION: 10/10 The story is told in a straight forward language that is easy to understand.

GRAMMAR: 10/10  I didn't notice any problems.

AESTHETIC: 9/10 The overall aesthetic is really good.  Your choice of pictures really match the storyline.  Some of the chapters seem really long.  I realize that you separated the chapters by day but since they are so long, they could be separated more by an event.  I wouldn't go to the trouble of changing it.

ORIGINALITY AND APPEAL: 9/10 The intro chapter is delightful.  I love the photos you chose especially cause they go so well with the quotes.  I enjoyed reading your cute story.


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