Yandere: Sugar daddy:JHS

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I think I have found my new kink, it's playtime now.... 🌸。


BY Authormssi  2.8K Reads, 191 Votes, 18 Parts

I noticed from the first chapter that punctuation is missing and most sentences are not capitalized.  I think you should remedy this as soon as you can to make the readers experience better.  Even if your writing is good, not showing your best effort, especially if you want your book to score well when it is judged, is a bad idea. 

Your unedited work is a good place to start. You might find that when you go back and try to fix your little mistakes, you will end up adding more layers and your work will actually improve.  Since you asked, I think you should take the book down and edit it.

Let me tell you, I find the Hoseok in your book extremely creepy and I can feel the horror of being on the receiving end of his unsolicited sexual advances and the sadistic violent actions.   I don't know what will happen next but I hope there are consequences for his awful behavior.   I don't get the appeal of a Yandere story so maybe I am not a good fit to review your book.

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