Wanna Play A Game?

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by kinky_taebooty_  1.6K Reads, 268 Votes, 9 Parts 🎃

"Wanna play a game?" Taehyung gulped before answering,"yes."

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The cover entices you to read this gem of a story with the cutest creeper you'll ever find, Jungkook.  Even if you are not into Taekook stories, you will enjoy this one.  It is the perfect read in a dark room right before you go to sleep and that is exactly how I enjoyed this book.

I feel that you set the stalker mood perfectly from the start by Kookiebutcher mentioning he was watching Tae at the park. It was a great way to set up Tae's unease with the creepy stranger. I felt like something bad was going to happen right from the start and the pay-off was excellent.

You have a great storytelling voice and just the right amount of description to paint a picture with words and the scary pictures add to the unsettling mood. I really felt like I was Tae going through the experience.

Playing hide and seek as a child always gave me the terrifying feeling that I was being chased by an unwanted foe and your book brought about that tingling feeling that I was about to be caught and something terrible was about to happen.

Adding the alternative ending was a great idea ;) I think it showed that sometimes it's best to give in to our fears.

I can honestly say, I got the chills!

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