In The Name of LOVE

18 1 1

Written by  Irtiza_yesmeen

  1.9K Reads, 474 Votes, 18 Parts

" I can't do this sin... Please ,, I beg you"

 "If you don't do this you know what will happen to your asset, It is with us "

She bowed down her head for some moments..." Okay, I will do this "She can do anything for her baby... Eventually, she did the crime and that turned out in to a .... 

Stay tuned to know!

Beautiful cover by : @ssshoookookieee

Thanks a lot dear! 😻

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Oh, the things we do in the name of love.

I liked your story.  I especially liked that she took revenge on the one that killed her parents.  I liked that Yi Ana was a tough cookie and she was willing to do what she had to do.

I can tell that English is not your first language because of the many tense errors and sometimes the wording of things is off.  

Example:  He crossed both arms on his chest and stand there.  

This should be:  He crossed both his arms on his chest and stood there.    

You have many issues with punctuation also, either it's missing or spaced incorrectly. This sometimes happens when you are writing on a phone. I hope you take the time to go back and fix it.

I think it would be beneficial for you to get someone to proofread your work.  You are a good storyteller and should take pride in your work.  You should take the time to make it better.

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