• Ch.Sixteen - Love •

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AN I'm a day early! *gasp* And I'd tell all of the young'uns to not read this but what's that gonna do? I hope you guys clear your search history..


Hurry up!", I moan, pushing myself into Ella's waist.

"I'm trying to find the.. fucking key", Ella grunts, rummaging around her dress. "Shit, I think it's in my purse"

"Which is where?"

"Uh... downstairs"



"Ella!", I whine.

"I'll only be a minute!", she calls back, already halfway down the hall.

I sigh and fold my arms, leaning against the door. Footsteps come from the other end of the hall. It's Cara. She awkwardly looks downcast and fiddles around for her key card. I look away too, not wanting to remember her. I've enough on my plate.
But it's not too long until she has second thoughts and storms up to me.

"Look, you don't have to-", I begin but I'm silenced by her lips. A rough kiss is pressed into my mouth, laced with salty tears. My eyes widen, my hands rise in shock as I don't know what to do. She pulls away and stares into me, her green eyes full of regret.

Our heavy breathing makes all around us seem deathly quiet.
"Who were you?", I whisper.

"I was your mistake", Cara chokes, "And you were mine"

I gulp down fresh tears and brush away a curl of hair from her eyes so I can see her properly. "I'm sorry", I say, but my words have been caught in my throat and can only by mouthed by dry lips.

"It's okay", she whispers. "I can forget. I can forget again"

Footsteps approach the hallway. And with that, she leaves for her room. I take a deep breath and turn my head into the door, pressing my forehead into the wood.

"Babe?", Ella calls, returning with the key, "Hey, I found it"

"Thank God", I groan and place my hands on the door, ready to open it as soon as it unlocks. Three swipes later and we're in.

Rough, sloppy kisses are stamped across my skin. My dress is unzipped and the mood is killed for a moment while I carefully drape it over a chair.

"Really?", Ella groans.


She ambushes me, wrapping her legs around my waist and straddling me. Her centre grinds into me and we're not even on the bed yet. But she doesn't want the bed. No, she points towards the sofa at the end of the room. Kinky..

"Mmm, you're so hot", I moan.

Ell doesn't respond and I fall onto the couch. She climbs off of me and onto the floor. Quickly separating my legs she begins to slip her fingers into me. But her eagerness is a bit too eager.

"Ow!", I squeak, as a nail pokes into my soft flesh.

"Oh my God, did I hurt you?", Ella gasps, carefully slipping out her fingers. "I forgot to take these off, I'm so sorry", she stammers, standing up.

"It's alright, come here", I say, breathlessly.

"No, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you", Ella babbles, ripping off her false nails.


"I never want to hurt you! We can stop right now! Okay? I fucking hate you, Brian!", Ella yells, throwing her nails onto a nearby table. They scatter across the floor.

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